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从中西思文差异角度看汉英翻译中的中式英语现象 第2页

更新时间:2016-11-8:  来源:毕业论文
Acknowledgements i
Abstract ii
摘要 iii
1 Introduction 1
2 Literature Review 3
3 Different Thinking modes of Chinese and English and Their Reflections on Language 5
31 Creative-synthetic Thinking vs Analytic Thinking5
32 Intuitive Thinking vs Rational Thinking7
33 Subject Conscious Thinking vs Object Conscious Thinking9
34 Gyre Thinking vs Linear Thinking10
35 Obscure Thinking vs Accurate Thinking12
36 Figurative Thinking vs Abstract Thinking13

4 Analysis of Chinglish in C-E Translation15
41 Error Collection15
42 Chinglish at Lexical Level15
43 Chinglish at Syntactical level 18
44 Analysis of Chinglish in C-E Translation Caused by Different Thinking Modes20
5 Tactics to overcome Chinglish in C-E translation25

6 Conclusion27
1 Introduction
Nowadays, with the reform and opening-up of China and world globalization, international cooperation has become more and more frequent An increasing number of Chinese people are learning English To ensure themselves capable in the intercultural communication, Chinese-English translation skills are indispensable for English learners However it is noticeable that errors occur frequently in the process of C-E translation, most of which are the ones caused by the difference between Chinese and Westerners’ way of thinking, the errors termed as Chinglish

As is known to all, language is the carrier of thinking Thus, translation is not only an action of transferring from one language to another, but also a process of shifting from one mode of thinking to another Owing to different cultural and historical background, Chinese people and westerners have distinctive thinking modes According to the research and numerous reference materials, Chinese thinking pattern is characterized by being subjective, affective, creative-synthetic, while western thinking pattern is noted for being objective, rational and analytic Therefore, different thinking modes trigger various expressions of language and the existence of Chinglish

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