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数控机床英文文献和翻译 第4页

更新时间:2016-10-26:  来源:毕业论文
The tree structure corresponds to the hierarchy of
STEP-NC and the tag name corresponds to the entity
name of STEP-NC8.
 Therefore the XML file that has the
same structure and contents as STEP-NC file can be
made. Fig. 2 shows part of the STEP-NC file in XML
form. Following are some of the advantages of using the
XML file.

z  Readily available tools and methods
z  No additional data structure to deal with STEP-NC
file in Visual C++ programming for XML file itself
can be the structure.
z  Easy adjustment of the system to Internet
environment and connection with other e-business
since other e-businesses use XML format for their
standard of data exchange and storage.
z  XML support from Microsoft and IBM 
To deal with the XML file, in this research, DOM
structure is constructed in Visual C++ program by
MSXML. The MSXML is the XML parser produced by
Microsoft for Visual C++ programming. It makes the
Fig. 2 Part of XML file used for data input
DOM structure and enables to control it with Visual C++
4. STEP-NC milling machine software
The software of this research divides into three
modules. The first is the main program that loads and
analyzes the XML and activates the tool path generator.
The second is the tool path  generator that makes tool
paths of two5D features  with STEP-NC information
loaded by the main program. The third is the tool motion
generator that transforms tool paths to motor motions.
All software modules are written in Visual C++. 
Detailed explanation of each module is as follows.
4.1 STEP-NC interpreter
This module loads the XML file and activates each
module. The XML file is loaded in the Visual C++ and
parsed by MSXML. This module searches the
WORKPLAN entity, activates tool path generator for
each feature of workingstep along the order written in
WORKPLAN, and, if necessary, calculates machining
information. The information loaded by this module is as
z  Geometric information: sort, boundary, depth,
position, and boss of features
z  Machining information: cutting speed, RPM of
spindle, machining tool
z  NC variables: NC commands not involved to axis

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