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数控机床英文文献和翻译 第2页

更新时间:2016-10-26:  来源:毕业论文
advanced machines, each company adds original
commands that are unable to use other companies. This
limits the selection of NC machines at machining
department and the problems of using the G-codes made
by others.
The development of the new standard minimizes
such problems and allows for the use of high
performance machines. The ISO14649 STEP-NC, which
is about to be standardized1
, includes all information
produced by the entire production process as well as
operation commands of the machines. Because this
standard is based on 3D CAD data written in ISO10303
STEP, and includes machining information and NC
commands with tool paths, there is no loss of information.
3D CAD drawings of STEP  and machining information
of CAM enables the machine to generate tool paths and
the user to omit making and inputting tool paths to the
machines. This updates the old style of production chain
that is drawing CAD, making G-code, and machining
with separate CAD, CAM, CNC software, to the new one
that is analyzing, machining, and editing CAD drawings
completed in one software or one machine.
To make STEP-NC machine that has all information of
production, machines automatically, and communicates
with other databases of production departments, the new
software treating STEP-NC commands, and the new
hardware of STEP-NC controller are needed3

Many researches on these software and hardware are
in progress. Demonstrations of STEP-NC milling
machines of Germany and USA4
 were held in 2001, and
that of Korea was held in 2002. These machines use the
original STEP-NC file. Though making the machine able
to communicate with CAD/CAM and other production
, there is a limit that STEP-NC machines
cannot exchange information with other departments not
related to machining directly because they use XML
databases. In this paper, the STEP-NC milling machine,
which uses the XML file that has the same contents and
structure as the original STEP-NC file is developed and
tested. To make the CNC machine, an existing table
milling machine was rebuilt with stepping motors and
motion control board for PC. All programming was done
in Visual C++ and MSXML, and tested under

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