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高压精馏塔外文参考文献和翻译 第2页

更新时间:2016-10-24:  来源:毕业论文
distributor[….the axial and radial mixing.more com.
monly known as backmixing,are considered as the
main sources that produce the negative effect on sepa—
ration efficiency at high pressure Zuiderweg and Nut—
reported that large scale vapor backmixing in—
dueed by 1iquid maldist—bution is the mechanistic
cause of the lower efficiency of#2.5 Nutter rings in
high pressure distillation
The objective of this paper is to quantiry the effect of
backmixing on mass transfer efficiency in a distillation
column with corrugated structured packing under high
A schematic drawing of the high—pressure distillati.
on column is shown in Fig.1 The inside diameter is
150 mm and the packed bed height is 2000 mm The
operating temperature is detected at the top,middle and
bottom of the column by the resistance thermometers.
Concentration profile is obtained by sampling the liquid
fr011"1 the center of the column at different heights of
330,660,1 530 and l 860 mm measured from the bot.
tom of the packing,and that from the reflux condenser
and the reboiler Liquid samples are withdrawn from
the bed using samplers.These samplers consist of 75
mm long slotted tubes,6 mm in diameter.The packing.
Mellapak 250Y.often being used in industrial column
is manufaetured by Tianjin Univtech Corporation The
test system is”。butane/n’pentane at pressures ranging
from 0.3 to 2 0 MPa,The experiments are operated at
total refiux

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