高压精馏塔外文参考文献和翻译 Abstract Performance of Mellapak 250Y and 350Y corragnted structured packing in distriation applications at pressures rangmg
from 0.3t02.0MPaisanalysed by usingHlU.NTUmethod These data a∞obtaincdina distillation columnwith 0t15mdiameter婶·
cratedwith n-butaneJn.pentane system attotal reflux In considerlngthe axialbackmixing effects.the halght of an overall gas phase
Wartsfer unit。HTIi∞j,is dividedintotwo parts Onepart representsthe height ofan overall gas phasetransferanit,withoutbaekmixthg,
designated asHTU:,,andthe otherpan。designated asthe he:igllt ofabackmixthg unit(1ibUOL accountsforthebackmiking effects
The HTUm is evaluated from the measured concenlration profile本文来自优%文,论'文.网,毕业论文 www.chuibin.com 加7位QQ324~9114找原文 ofn-butane in liquid phase The HBUo obtained experimentally is
correlated in terms ofthe properties ofthe matdms being separated and the equivalent diameter ofthe sB'uctured packing Our result
showsthatesfrom 012to 0 34m as
pressureincrcas∞froml 0t01.9MPa Itjndicatcsthatthe overall effieiency ofthe
structuredpackingdecrees gradually“high pressure,as aresult ofthe vaporbaclo-nlxlng
Keywords masst=ransfer,strtlctured packiag.backmiking,height ofa‰s&r unit,highpressure
Corrugated metal sheet structured packing has been
widely used in chemical and petrochemical industries
since the 1970s for their high throughput.10w pressure
drop,lower liquid holdup,good separation efficiency and,
particularly,smatter scale.up effect in comparison with
random packing.Generally,structured packing is com-
monly applied to low pressure(vacuum)and atmospheric
conditions due to their higher capacity and better separa-
tion efficiency per unit column height as compared with
different"types of traysFor instance,the HE7P(11eight
equivalent to a theoretical plate)of 0 3—0.4 m for the
commonly used structured packing Mellapak 250Y has
been reported by Meier et al㈦r1977)and Billet and
Mackowiak[M r19881 under vacuum conditions For plate
columns,TP is about 0.8 mTheoretically,application of
packing to higher
pressure distillation,typically above 1.0 MPa for light
hydrocarbon systems.is beneficial by the anticipated
iflcrease of mass transfer efficiency with column pre s.
sure,resulting in decreasing column height However,
the observed mass transfer emciency was often much
10wer than expectedI“.Recently.FRlfFracnonation
Research Institute)published test data for Mellapak
250Y for the iso.butane/n.butane system at pressures
from 0.7—2 7 MPa(ritz et at..At 0.7 MPa the
Hwas 0.3m,whilefrom l 1—2 7MPa at 70%一
80%of flood.theTP was as high as 0 73 m AIt.
hough the poor performance could significantly be
improved(mrP20.35一O.41)by improving the liquid3478