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数控车床外文文献及文献翻译 第5页

更新时间:2016-8-21:  来源:毕业论文
More widespread are the developments related to the balancing of parts during machining. The so-called “adaptive balancer” by Mori Seiki, shown in Fig. 3.2.1, which is able to balance the potential part imbalance during turning, using two plates with small masses distributed asymmetrically, is remarkable.
Other advanced balancing applications have been recently developed for car and train wheels machining. In these cases, the imbalance is measured between roughing and finishing, and balancing is performed via eccentric turning, eliminating more material on the overloaded side.
●Programming and simulation of processes. Three main factors make these technologies almost necessary for multi-tasking machines:
1) the inclusion of multiple different processes
2) the complex configuration of machines, with many devices and tools
3) the complex shape of the parts and the high number of different operations combined for a total machining in one setup.
For this reason, specific CAM software has been developed for turning centre machines, combining features of turning and milling. These CAMs are combined with 3D simulations of the process (Fig. 3.2.2) to optimize the working cycles, preventing collisions and non-desired cycles. Several machine manufacturers have developed their own systems.
Fig. 3.2.1 “Adaptive balancer”

Fig. 3.2.2 Simulation of the multi-tasking process

4 Special Machining Processes Applied in Multi-tasking Machines
Multi-tasking machines are now integrating different machining processes, for example laser processes, cold forming treatments and others. Current developments are explained in the following sections.
4.1 The Laser Application
Lasers have some potential applications in combination with other processes in multi-tasking machines. Laser hardening (Fig. 4.1.1) is the most applied. Several manufacturers integrate a laser head as an additional tool, in different configurations.

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