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plc外文文献及翻译 第3页

更新时间:2016-8-21:  来源:毕业论文
Figure 2      An Input-Output Oriented Architecture

In this figure the data enters the left side through the inputs. (Note: most engineering diagrams have inputs on the left and outputs on the right.) It travels through buffering circuits before it enters the CPU. The CPU outputs data through other circuits. Memory and disks are used for storage of data that is not destined for output. If we look at a personal computer as a controller, it is controlling the user by outputting stimuli on the screen, and inputting responses from the mouse and the keyboard.

A PLC is also a computer controlling a process. When fully integrated into an application the analogies become;

inputs - the keyboard is analogous to a proximity switch plc外文文献及翻译 第3页

input -circuits - the serial input chip is like a 24Vdc input card
computer - the 686 CPU is like a PLC CPU unit
output - circuits - a graphics card is like a triac output card
outputs - a monitor is like a light
storage - memory in PLCs is similar to memories in personal computers

It is also possible to implement a PLC using a normal Personal Computer, although this is not advisable. In the case of a PLC the inputs and outputs are designed to be more reliable and rugged for harsh production environments.

All PLCs have four basic stages of operations that are repeated many times per second. Initially when turned on the first time it will check it’s own hardware and software for faults. If there are no problems it will copy all the input and copy their values into memory, this is called the input scan. Using only the memory copy of the inputs the ladder logic program will be solved once, this is called the logic scan. While solving the ladder logic the output values are only changed in temporary memory. When the ladder scan is done the outputs will be updated using the temporary values in memory, this is called the output scan. The PLC now restarts the process by starting a self check for faults. This process typically repeats 10 to 100 times per second as is shown in Figure 3.

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