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英文论文_霍夫斯泰德文化文度理论分析中美文化差异 第3页

更新时间:2016-7-30:  来源:毕业论文
  Many researches have been conducted in the field of culture, and dozens of scholars have published books in this regard, like Tyler and his Primitive Culture, Richard Nisbett and his The Geography of Thought, Geert Hofstede and his Culture’s Consequences. Among them, Geert’s theory is the most widely cited one.
2.1 Cultural Dimensions
Geert Hofstede, a Dutch psychologist, wrote a book named Culture’s Consequences. In this book, he presented the concept of five cultural dimensions after having conducted detailed interviews with 160,000 IBM employees in 53 countries. By standard statistical analysis and theoretical reasoning, he identified a theory that the world cultures vary along four consistent dimensions, namely Individualism versus Collectivism, Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Masculinity versus Femininity. In the 1980s, on the basis of a research by Canadian psychologist Michael Harris Bond centered in the Far East, a fifth dimension, Long-Term Orientation versus Short-Term Orientation was added to the original four. (Hofstede & Bond, 1988; see also Hofstede, 1991; Hofstede, 2001). Although Hofstede’s concept of Cultural Dimensions has been criticized because he seemed to identify cultures with nations based on the supposition that within each nation, there is a uniform national culture, the dimensions are useful in understanding people’s different behaviors in various societies. And Hofstede’s (1980) seminal study regarding the relationship between national culture and values is the most frequently cited benchmark for cross-cultural understanding. This concept also provides a new angle for people to conduct cross-cultural communication research, which has been used as the classification standard for researches on different cultural phenomena. vb.net怎样在线程终止的时候弹出对话框
    According to Hofstede, the dimension of Individualism vs. Collectivism relates to the integration of individuals into primary groups; the dimension of Power Distance relates to the different solutions to the basic problem of human inequality; the dimension of Uncertainty Avoidance relates to the level of stress in a society in the face of an unknown future; the dimension of Masculinity vs. Femininity relates to the division of roles between women and men; the dimension of Long-Term vs. Short-Term Orientation relates to the choice of focus for people’s efforts: the future or the present and past.  
2.2 Major Causes of Cultural Differences in Chinese and American Cultures
As has been mentioned earlier, culture covers history, geography, religion, values, customs, lifestyles, etc. These are also the reasons why cultural differences are caused. In the following passage, the author will present major causes of cultural differences between China and the U.S. ( China and the U.S. are referred to the two countries in the following passage).

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