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更新时间:2016-7-29:  来源:毕业论文
Chinese readers. Chinese language convention is also to be interpreted and developed from the perspective of genre because genre conventions are the result of the standardization of communication practices. “As certain kinds of text are used repeatedly in certain situations with more or less the same function or functions, these texts acquire conventional forms that are sometimes even raised to the status of social norms” ( Nord, 2001: 54 ). Chinese genre conventions will exhibit themselves in a certain way. If a target text is to be acceptable as representative of a target-culture genre, the translator has to be familiar with and use some conventions that the target text is to conform to. So genre conventions are also of significance in our study of the subject.
The paper mainly consists of four parts. In part one we investigate diachronically the state of Chinese language convention in translation and scholars’ standpoints concerning the use of Chinese language conventions and hold that complying with Chinese conventions in translation is the concern of translators of modern age, and at the present age Chinese conventions are depreciated by most scholars for its failing to deliver the structure and culture of the original. In part two we roughly define Chinese language convention based on Qu Qiubai’s(瞿秋白)classification of Chinese, then closely examine and highlight its nature against English structure. In part three we expound the drawbacks of Chinese conventions in translation, suggesting that excessive use of Chinese language convention should be prohibited. Part four is the focus of the paper. In this part, taking as theoretical base Nida’s functional equivalence and some propositions of foreign scholars concerned the author argues for the necessity of Chinese language conventions in translation and does that through illustrating essay style and some other text type.
It is believed that the study should be of some value, especially against the era of globalization when our Chinese, homeland of our living, is being endangered, transformed toward a language more and more like English so that the younger generation seem to show total indifference to the language of Chinese tradition while they are ready to accep

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汉语体式在英汉翻译中的适应性研究_CHINESE LANGUAGE CONVENTION IN ENGLISH-CHINESE TRANSLATION 第3页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766
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