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英汉颜色词的文化内涵极其对比 第4页

更新时间:2015-4-15:  来源:毕业论文

英汉颜色词的文化内涵极其对比 第4页 
   在中国文化中,白色与红色相反,是一个基本禁忌词,体现了中国人在物质和精神上的摈弃和厌恶。白色是枯竭而无血色、无生命的表现,象征死亡、凶兆。如(穿白色孝服)办 "白事"、 "白专道路"、 "白痴", "白费力"、"唱白脸"、"白脸"奸雄; "白衣 "、"白面书生"等。

(1)a white soul纯洁的心灵,
(2)white wedding新娘 穿白礼服的婚礼;
(1)a white spirit正直的精神,
(2)white men高尚、有教养的人,
(3)white hand廉洁、诚实;
它也象征幸 运、吉利,如
(1)one of the white days o f sb's life 某人生活中的吉日之 一,
(1) white market合法市场,
(2)white list经过批准的合法明单,
(3)a white lie 无害的谎言。

   a white lie 善意的谎言
   the white coffee 牛奶咖啡
   white man 善良的人,有教养的人
   white-livered 怯懦的
   white elephant 昂贵又无用之物

  白开水 plain boiled water
  白菜 Chinese cabbage
  白字 wrongly written or mispronounced character
  白搭 no use
  白费事 all in vain


In  both Egnlish and Chinese black is often associated with negative qulitise,as in blacklist,black market ,and black hearted.Futher examples in English may include a black day , a black spot , a black sheep, a black mood, a lack comedy and a alack look.“A black day”is a day ,or some less specific point of time, when something sad or disastrous happens,as in if you superiours take the same hopleless attitudes as you do ,it will be a black day for you country.”A black spot”is a place or area where unpleasant and unwanted things occur regularly and without much chance of improvement,as in Overcrowding in some of our mental hospitals to gether with unsuitable grouping of patient still make conditions in the wards the one black spot in an otherwise good record.“A black sheep”refers to that member who is thought to be a disgrace to other member,as in Now every profession has of couse got ists black sheep.If evidence is available against them ,you can be absolutely certain that the proferssional tribunals will be down on them like a ton of bricks.“A black mood”refers to a fit of depression,bad temper,etc.usually temporary,though perhaps recurring ,as in This isnot time to ask the boss for a favor.He is been in a black mood ever since the Board Meeting.“a black comdey”refers to a play in which comic elements are combined with more tragic or absurdly evil ones,with the latter on the whole predominating,as in It was all a black comedy on a international scale,with the nation’s  spokesman outwardly expressing grave concern for the welfare of the Sioux while inwardly praying that they would vanish from the face of the earth.“A black look”is a look of strong dislike,disapproval,etc.as in I saw his wife giving him a black  look when he brought out the second bottle of whisky.

Interestinly,in business English,in the black  has a good meaning;running a business profitably,as in Since he became manager,the company has been running in the black.

In some English expressions black has neutral associations. In black and white, for example,means something in writhing or in print ,as black letters on white paper,as in This letter is from your mother saying she agrees to your coming with me.Now we have it in black and white.This phrase also means absolutely wrong or ringt,without recognizing any more subtle variations,as in As children we were taught always to tell truth and never to tell lies.But now we do not see these thing in quite such black and white terms.

   在中国文化里黑色只有沉重的神秘之感,是一种庄重而严肃的色调,古代黑色为天玄,它的象征意义由于受西方文化的影响而显得较为复杂。一方面它象征严肃、正义,如民间传说中的"黑脸"包公,传统京剧中的张飞、李逵等人的黑色脸谱;另一方面它又由于其本身的黑暗无光给人以阴险、毒优和恐怖的感觉。它象征邪恶、反动,如"黑心肠"、 "黑幕"、 "黑帮"、 "黑手"、 "黑名单"、 "走黑道", "黑店"、"黑货"、" 黑市",黑钱" 等。

黑色(black)是西方文化中的基本禁忌色,体现了西方人精神上的摈弃和厌恶。它象征死亡、凶兆、灾难,如(1)BlackMass安灵弥撒,(2)to wear black for hcr father为她父亲戴孝,(3)blackwords不吉利 的话,(4)a black letter day凶日;它象征邪恶、犯罪,如(1)Black Man邪恶的恶魔,(2)a black de ed极其恶劣的行为,(3)black guard恶棍、流氓,(4)blackmail敲榨、勒索;它也象征耻辱、不光彩,如 (1)a black mark污点,(2)black sheep败家子, (3)a black eye丢脸、坏名声,它还象征沮丧、愤怒, 如(1)black dog沮丧情绪,(2)The future looks black前途暗淡,(3)He gave me a black look。 他怒气冲冲地看着我。此外,黑色是悲哀的颜色,英美人在葬礼上穿黑色服装,中国人在葬礼上戴黑纱。英语中的Black Friday 指耶稣在复活节前受难的星期五,是悲哀的日子。

     black in the face 脸色铁青
   to look black at someone 怒目而视

  黑心    evil mind
  黑手    evil backstage manipulator
  黑幕    inside story
  黑线    a sinister line
  black sheep   害群之马
  black day     凶日



    绿色green在英语中可以表示“嫉妒、眼红”,如:green with envy,green as jealousy,green-eyed monster都是指“十分嫉妒”的意思。汉语中表示“嫉妒”意义的“眼红”,应该翻译为green-eyed而不能翻译为red-eyed。

  (1)In American political elections the candidates that win are usually the ones who have green power backing them.
  (2)The new typist is green at her job.
  (3)You cannot expect Mary to do business with such people. She is only eighteen and as green as grass.

   绿色(green)在英汉文化中引起的联想也是完全不同的。在中国传统文化中,绿色有两重性,首先它可以表示义、侠。这是因为人类初期时代以及其以后的漫长生活过程中,人类借助绿色保护自己,赖以生存下来,同时,绿色也保护着人类的天敌及其它凶残的食人动物。例如 “绿林好汉”、"绿林"、"绿帽子"等等。

(1)in the green wood在青春旺盛的时代,
(2)inthe green 血气方刚,
(3)a green old age老当益壮;
(1)green recollectio n记忆犹新,
(2)keep the memorygreen永远不忘,
(3)a green wound新伤口;
(1)a green hand生手,
(2)as green as grass幼稚,
(3)a green horn容易上当的糊涂虫;
(1) the green-eyed monster妒忌,
(2)green with envy充满妒嫉,
(3)a green eye 妒嫉的眼睛。 
(1)He is still green to his job. 他对其工作尚无经验。
(2)Do you see any green in my eye? 你认为我幼稚可欺吗?
(3)lf you want to be a successful gardener,of course you've gotto have green fingers. 假如你想当个称职的园工,那你就得有园艺技能。
(4)She is a green hand in teaching English. 在英语教学中,他还是个生手。
(5)Mother gave us the green light to go on the camping trip this summer. 妈妈准许我们今年夏天去野营一次。
(6)He has a green wound in the left breast. 他左胸上有一新伤口。

“黄“,in Chinese,appears in many pejorative expressions.“黄色电影”,“黄色书刊”,“黄色音乐”,etc,all contain obscene or pornographic material.And traid-tionally,“黄”was associated with the royal family in China.However,yellow does not carry these associations in English.

Yellow does appear in yellow journalism and Yellow Pages.But”yellow journalism”refers to a kind of journalism with heavy emphasis on scandals,or presenting ordinary news in a sensational manner,sometimes even distorting the facts to create a sensational effect.And”Yellow Pages”is a book with the telephone numbers of different shops ,restaurants,businesses,organizations,etc.Its pages are yellw,but it is not a “黄书“in the Chinese sense of the expression.
 黄色在英语和汉语中的引申含义差别比较大。首先表现在:黄色在中国文化中是红色的一种发展变异,如 “黄道吉日”、黄色象征中央政权、国土之义,所以黄色便为历代封 建帝王所专有,普通人是不能随便使用"黄色"的,如"黄袍”、"黄钺 "、"黄榜"、"黄马褂"等等。其次:现在流行的与" 性"有关的"黄色"观念,有一种说法是中西文化交流融合的一种现象--黄色电影、黄色书刊、黄色光碟等等。这些名称中的“黄”与英语中的“yellow”无关。能够表示汉语中这些意思的词汇应该是:pornographic(色情的)、vulgar(庸俗下流的)、obscene(猥亵的)等。然而,英语中另一个颜色词blue却常用来表示汉语中这类意思,如blue jokes(下流的玩笑), blue films(黄色电影)等。据说美国纽约的《世界报》用黄色油墨印刷低级趣味的漫画以争取销路,人们便称这一类不健康的刊物为“黄色刊物”,还有《纽约新闻》以夸大、渲染的手法报道色情、仇杀、犯罪等新闻,人们也称这一类的新闻为"黄色新闻"。其实中国古代的黄色已 与"性"有关。东汉末年黄巾起义时有《黄书》,现书虽之佚,便确知该书重在"房中之术";另有唐代孙思邈在其《千金要方》之"房内补益"中有"赤日黄月"之说。张清常据此在他的《汉语的颜色词》一书中指出:"则中国古代之'黄'与'性'有 关系。此说甚是,只不过中断千余年,人们早已忘记而已"。
    而西方文化中的黄 (yellow)使人联想到背叛耶稣的犹太(Judas)所穿衣服的颜色,所以黄色带有不好的象征意义,它除了表示低级趣味的报刊、毫无文学价值的书籍(如 yellow press黄色报刊,yellow journalism黄色办报作风,yellow back廉价轰动一时的小说)外,主要表示卑鄙、胆怯,如yellow dog卑鄙的人, yellow streak胆怯,yellow-livered胆小的。eg:
He is too yellow to stand up and fight.
     Yellow Pages     黄页 (电话号码簿,用黄纸印刷)
   Yellow Book      黄皮书 (法国等国家的政府报告,用黄封面装帧)
   yellow boy     (俗)金币  
 6. BLUE--蓝色
In English blue is usually associated with unhappy feelings.He was blue over his dismissal simply means”He was sad for his dismissal”.Moreover,either in a blue mood or having the blues means a sad,gloomy or depressed mood.Blue Monday conveys reoughly the same meaning,as in it was Blue Monday conveys rouhly the same meaning,as in It was blue Monday and he did not feel like going back to work.In informal English a blue fit means extreme annoyance,alarm or irriation,as in It is a good job the boy was safely back before his mother heard of his escapades.She’d taken a blue fit if she’d known he was out in a boat alone.
However,a blue film is not a sad film.It is a film which contains obscene materical,has explicit reference to or portrayal of sexual acts.It is one of the English equivalents to the Chinese expressiong“黄色电影”.
Blue is also often associated with high social position or being aristoratic.For example,blue blood means aristocratic lineage,as in They boasted a lineage of pure blue blood.Also,in American English blue book is not a book with a blue cover,rather it is a book with names of well-known persons,especially government officials.
Blue may also has some pleasant associations.For example,a blue ribbon is a badge indicating the first prize in a competition,as in His entry at the state fair won a blue ribbon.And a bluestocking is a pedant female intellectual,as in She is a veritable blustocking,her nose always stuck in a book and her interests devoid of womanly pursuits.
The blue-collar jobs are manual work,or skilled,semiskilled or unskilled labour,as in Boys from blue-collar homes are still 4 times less likely to get to university than the children of parents in non-manual work.

   与此截然不同的是,英语中blue一方面具有“忧郁,伤感”的联想意义,常与心情不好有关(邓炎昌,刘润清1989)。例如:He was blue over his dismissal。的意思是“他因被解雇而情绪低落”。in a blue mood和having the blues 指难过,沮丧和抑郁。Blue Monday指“沮丧的星期一”,a blue fit表示非常不满,震惊或者气愤。另一方面, blue是一种高贵的颜色,如:blue blood指贵族血统。但在英语中的一些词组含有blue的一词都没有“蓝色”的意义,比如,a blue film和 blue talk及blue video等等。
 (1)He is proud of his blue blood. 他因出身名门贵族而骄傲。
 (2)Things are looking extremely blue. 情况极其不妙。
 (3)True blue will never stain. 真金不怕火炼。
 (4)She ran and ran until she was blue in the face. 她跑啊跑啊,累得脸色发青精疲力竭。
 (5)lt's once in a blue moon that you get a chance like that. 你得到的是个千载难逢的机会。
 (6)He can read like a blue streak. 他看书极快。
 (7)The bad news came like a bolt out of the blue. 这消息来得如青天霹雳。
 (8)John arrived out of the blue. 约翰突然来了。
 (9)A rainy day always gives me the blues. 下雨天总是使我心情抑郁。
 (10)They felt rather blue after the failure in the football match.
(11)—— She looks blue today. What’s the matter with her?
      —— She is in holiday blue.
  例(11)中的holiday blue 相当于winter holiday depression,指冬季假期时,人困在家里,感到无聊寂寞时的心情或情绪。另一个同低落的情绪有关的词组是:a blue Monday(倒霉的星期一),指度过快乐的周末后,星期一又要上学或上班,所以情绪不好。  
   out of blue 意想不到
   once in a blue 千载难逢
   drink till all’s blue 一醉方休
     blue ribbon最高荣誉的标志,
     blue nose严守教规的卫道 士;
     blue laws严格的法规;
    (1)feel blue不 高兴,
    (2)a blueoutlook悲观的人生观。
    (3)Things look blue。事不称心,
    (1) blue movie 色情电影,
    (2)blue revolution“性解放”,
        have the blue晴天劈雳,
        blue streak一闪即逝的东西。
    Purple is often associated with high rank or station in general or imperial or regal rank or power in particular.The purple refers to royal or very noble rank ,as in Those born to the puple are destined to live in the public eye.

    A purple passage or a purple patch refers to an extrmely,or too, ornate portion in a literary work,music,painting,architecture,etc,as in If he had confined himself to the dialogue and action and cut out the purple patches. he may have found a publisher for his novel.

  在中国民间传说中,天帝居于天上的"紫微宫"(星座),故而以天帝为父的人间帝王(天子)和以天帝 为信凶的道教都以紫为瑞。紫色作为祥瑞、高贵 的象征,更多地被封建帝王和道教所采用,如称吉瑞之气为" 紫气"、"紫电",皇宫叫做"紫禁宫"、"紫禁城"。历代皇帝为了笼络人,往往将"紫袍"赐予 品位低的 臣下,而"著紫"则成为封建文人奋力追求的荣禄;人们还把道书称为"紫书",把神仙居所称为“紫台”。无独有偶, 英语中的紫色(purple)象征意义也跟帝王将相和宗教有关,这是一个有趣的文化巧合,如
   (1)the purple 帝位、王权,
   (2)be born in the purple生在王侯贵族之家,
   (3)marry in the purple嫁到显贵人家/to marry into the purple 与皇室或贵族联姻
   (4)be raised to the pruple升为红衣主教。
    The important thing to remember is that not all terms of colour should be translated into their corresponding terms of colour in the other language.In some cases,terms of colour appear in Chinese but not in English:
红白事Weddings and funerals 、  红尘The world of mortals,human society
红光满面One’s face is glowing  with health 、     红利Bonus
红人A favourite with somebody in power 、   
黄道吉日A lucky day   黄泉Nether world 、   黄牛Ox,cattle
白菜Chinese cabbage    白痴Idiot 、   白费In vain  、 白金Platinum
白卷Blank examination paper  、 白面Flour 、 白薯Sweet poatao  
白蚁Termite 、 白银Silver 、  白昼Daytime、 
黑暗Dark   黑管Clarinet、    黑话Argot 、 
黑货Smuggled goods  黑信Poison-pen letters 、 
绿宝石Emerald 、绿洲Oasis
blue-collar workers 蓝领阶层,指普通体力劳动者
grey-collar workers 灰领阶层,指服务*行业的职员
white-collar workers 白领阶层,指接受过专门技术教育的脑力劳动者
pink-collar workers 粉领阶层,指职业妇女群体
golden-collar personnel 金领阶层,指既有专业技能又懂管理和营销的人才
red ink 赤字        in the black 盈利
white goods 白色货物,指冰箱、洗衣机等外壳为白色的家电产品
brown goods 棕色货物,指电视、录音机、音响等外壳为棕色的电子产品。
(1)The leaves browned slowly. 树叶渐渐枯了。
(2)We are all of us done brown. 我们都上当了。
(3)When she gives a dinner party,she always does it up brown.她举行宴会,总是办得很出色。
(4)l'm browned off,sitting here all day with nothing to do. 我整 天坐在这儿没事干,感到抑郁无聊。
(5)Aim at one bird, don't blaze into the brown. 瞄准一只打,不要射击鸟群。
(6)l tried to attract his attention,but he was in a brown study. 我企图吸引他的注意力,可是他仍在沉思默想。
pink:the pink of perfection十全十美的东西或人,the pink of politeness十分彬彬有礼;它又象征上流社会; 如:pink lady高格调鸡尾酒;pink tea上流社交活动;apink-collar worker高层次女秘书
通过以上英汉颜色词的比较,我们不难看出,由于民族心理,审糜抨准不同及其它众多因素,英汉语中颜色词的象征意义和感情色彩差别较大,不同民族有不同的视角(perspective)观察入手,例如: 汉语注重从内容入手而英语则注重从背景入手。比如blue movies 象征 romantic,因此要注意在翻译实践中不能脱离上下文的具体情况而孤立地理解与翻译,必须在理解原文颜色词含义的基础上,结合原文的整体对颜色词作灵活处理,才能避免错译或死译的现象。在通常情况下,颜色词的含义不外乎有两个方面:即基本含义和文化引申义。准确理解颜色词的含义是忠实通顺地翻译颜色词的基础。
所谓直译(literary translation),就是在转达原文意思的时候,使译文的表达形式和句法结构尽量同原文一致,能完全对等的就完全对等,不能完全对等的也要大致对等。例如:赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,谁持彩练当空舞?
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, who is dancing, waving the colored ribbon against the sky?
源语中表达基本含义的颜色词:“赤橙黄绿青蓝紫”正好与英文(目标语)中用来描写彩虹的基本颜色词一致,所以作者就用了直译法。此外英文词语的red, red flag, red carpet, green, green tea, green leaves 、etc也可以从汉语中找到其相对应的词或短语,同样可采用直译法来进行翻译,可分别译成“红色的,红旗,红地毯,绿色的,绿茶,绿叶”等。
所谓意译(free translation),是指通过对原文深层意蕴的理解和消化,将原文的表层结构打破和重组,然后转化为译文自然流畅的表层结构;换句话来说,就是冲破语言的外壳,将其真正的意指挖掘出来。
“文化对等译法”(Cultural Equivalence)。其定义是指当原语言中的颜色词使用的是其基本含义时,而译语中却习惯使用另一词来表示同一颜色。
例如:“红榜”不可译成“red roll”,英语的习惯表达是:“honor roll”;“红娘”的相对形式是“go-between”,而决非 “red woman”之类。而像“black tea” 不是翻译是黑茶,而应该是对应中文的“红茶”,这是因为中文重   从内容方面入手,这个红茶是指茶水的颜色;而在西方人眼里,他们更加注重从外表颜色入手,因为茶叶在没下水泡开之前大部分是黑色的,所以外国人就称其为“black tea”。与此相类似还有像brown sugar (红糖) brown bread (黑面包) black and blue (青一块,紫一块)等。产生这种现象是由于英汉两种文化中审美情趣的角度不同。汉语讲究的是对称美丽,“诗句、对联”等是中国文化追求对称美的集中体现。而在英语中颜色词的使用倾于表达的准确性。
(2) 功能对等译法
    所谓的“功能对等译法”(Functional Equivalence)就是在译语无法把原语言的颜色词直接翻译时,把原语言中一个带有特定文化色彩的词翻译成译语中意义相同却不带文化色彩的词。例如:

black leg 骗子          black dog 忧郁、不开心的人
black smith 铁匠        white rage 震怒
a white lie 善意的谎言  a white night 不眠之夜
a white elephant 耗费巨大却无实用价值的东西。
Of course, Chinese and English color words, as well as the method of translation is far more than the above, and through the study of these color words, but from a perspective point of view of English and Chinese languages and the fundamental differences between the two cultures. Color Words Translation correct or not much involved in the color of all walks of life have a very important influence, such as in the current international trade, merchandise is very particular about the color of the decoration, like the Japanese anti-yellow, blue Billy bogey people, Europe and the United States and other countries anti-black, anti-Khmer people in Thailand and so on, so we should seriously study these words about the use of color to take advantage of knowledge in order to correct the use of actual life.
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