indicate particularly that a fruitful direction would be to explore
howfirms adjust their strategies in response to heterogeneous
customer values and the implications of those adjustments for
achieving competitive advantage. This view requiresfirms to learn
extensively about their customers and then translate customer
preferences tofirm strategies and orientations that are in line with
what customers value.本文来自^优@文~论^文%网*原文请找腾讯#324,9114
As thefirst empirical study to address this issue, this study
examines how customer value heterogeneity affects afirm's decision
to focus on customers versus competitors. In line with Adner
and Zemsky (2006), the study views customer value heterogeneity
as what customers emphasize and desire in their preferences. In
essence, customer value involves a trade-off between customers'
judgments of a product's overall excellence or superiority (e.g.,
quality) against the sacrifice (e.g., price) needed to obtain the
product (Desarbo et al., 2001). And, customers vary widely
according to their emphasis on the quality offered and the price
required by the firm. Because the research context is the service
industry, this study views quality as the services provided by the
firm to the marketplace. Therefore, this study classifies customer
value in terms of service (or quality) emphasis and price emphasis.
In assessing a firm's offering, service-emphasis customers are
primarily concerned with the benefits or utilities they hope to
receive. In contrast, price-emphasis customers mainly value the
market offering in terms of the price and other resources (e.g., time)
they must sacrifice to obtain the product (Zeithaml, 1988).
As two of the components of market orientation, customer
orientationfocuses on “the sufficient understanding of one's target
buyers,”whereascompetitor orientationemphasizes the understand
ing of “the short-term strengths and weaknesses and long-term
capabilities and strategies of both the key current and potential
competitors”(Narver and Slater, 1990:21–22).Interfunctional coordi
nation, a third dimension of market orientation, promotes the
coordinated use of company resources and customer-related activities
throughout the entire organization. Researchers seem to agree that
interfunctional coordination is critical for responding to the market
intelligence effectively (Kohli and Jaworski, 1990; Narver and Slater,
1990). However, controversy exists regarding the roles of customer
and competitor orientations in affecting performance. Further,
customer and competitive orientations are two primary means that
firms employ to interact with environments (Day and Wensley, 1988).
Therefore, this study focuses on the customer and competitor
orientation facets of market orientation and treats interfunctional
coordination as a control. Building on demand-based perspective, this
paper examines how customer value emphasis affects a firm's
adoption of a customer versus a competitor orientation.
2.2. Customer value and market orientation
When afirm's customers are service-sensitive, their primary
concern in assessing the market offering's value is the benefits
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