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中国的英语教育英语论文English Education in China

更新时间:2014-11-20:  来源:毕业论文
A. The disadvantages of large class to the English teacher.
1. Discomfort
The teacher will feel discomfortable if the number of class is too large, as there is no room for he or she goes through, and it is difficult for the teacher to make intercourse with the students.
2. Difficult control
As the number of the class is large, it is not easy to control the whole class with one teacher, especially in oral English class.
3. Individual attention
The teacher cannot realize the needs of students due to the large number of class.
4. Evaluation
That is the problem when the teacher needs to evaluate the ideas or answers of each student with limited time.
5. Learning ineffectiveness
With the large size of English class, the teacher can not sure whether each student understands the points, and the teaching class seems to be ineffective. 小学语文教学中小组合作学习的探究
B. The disadvantages of large class to English learning students.
Have few chances to practice their speaking English.
As time is limited on 45minutes in each class, and one class has 45 students that means, average student might have only 1 minute to speak English. Moreover, English teacher need some time to explain the topic or subject of the class. Therefore, students have few chances to express their ideas in the class.
No enough time to ask the teacher questions which they don’t know.
With the same condition above, students may tend to avoid asking questions in the class for they feel that there will be not enough time for the English teacher to answer the questions.
Cannot concentrate their minds on listening to the teacher.
If the size of English class 本文来自优.文,论-文·网原文请找腾讯32491'14 be shown during class.
Because of limited time and large size class, there is no enough time for the teacher to find out each student’s characterize, and no time for them to do performance during the class. Chinese English teachers are still using the traditional way of English teaching
At present, some problems still exist in English teaching in China. Most of Chinese English teachers are still using the traditional teaching mode in English class. What is the traditional way of English teaching? It is the mode that emphasizing the teaching points on grammar and written English while ignoring the speaking and listening skills. There are several disadvantages of traditional way of English teaching.

Firstly, traditional teaching mode always attaches much attention to students’ English grammar while ignoring their practical communicative competences. In China, the tradition English teaching system is adopted to the order of new words, text, grammar and exercises. The teacher and students place much emphasis on the teaching form. English teacher explains the meaning of text sentence by sentence, even word by word, spending much time on the sentence structure and English grammar, while students pay attention to listening to the teacher and writing down the notes. Although this kind of teaching mode can help students master well in language basic knowledge, it is still difficult for them to freely express their ideas in English.

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