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手势与跨文化交流英文论文Gestures and Cross-cultural Communication

更新时间:2014-11-19:  来源:毕业论文
At political level, "globalization" has become an irresistible trend and it is the rise of global economy. Many international organizations, governmental institutions and the whole academic world discuss the consequences of this political and economic restructuring on local economies, human welfare and environment. It is one of the most important features of present world.                    粗毛栓菌木聚糖酶cDNA的RT-PCR扩增
1.2 Economic Background
Economy is as important as politics. In recent years, more and more economic activity in the world seems to be taking place between people who live in different countries. It takes different forms, like international trade, growth of import and export, foreign investments, foreign loans and bonds, and many others. Economic globalization has different consequences on   businesses all over the world and influences almost every other sphere of human life. Globalization has potential benefits on the one hand, and brings differences and challenge on the other hand. That is to say, companies should adapt their products or services to the linguistic and cultural requirements of different nations.
As for us Chinese, with China’s entry into WTO, increasing problems have to be dealt with in business and management. Lack of knowledge of another culture can lead, at the best, to embarrassing or amusing mistakes in communication. At the worst, such mistakes may confuse or even offend the people we wish to communicate with, making the conclusion of business deals or international agreements difficult or impossible. In the 24 years since China opened up to the outside world, the Chinese have seen that internationalization works. This means a root and branch reform of Chinese economy. Entering the WTO, China will enrich itself and the world. Then gesture is the most powerful, efficient and common means for communication and it will also be more and more important in the future society.

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