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英文电影台词字幕翻译Analysis on the Translation of Lines in English Movies

更新时间:2014-11-18:  来源:毕业论文
Analysis on the Translation of Lines in English Movies


The film translation is blessed with the distinctive language characteristics and the special function of cross-cultural communication. Thanks to such features, film translation has attracted increasing attention in the field of the translation. Based on the above-mentioned features as well as the review of the national and international research fruits related to the translation of lines in English movies, this paper, with a lot of typical illustrations from the famous and popular English films, aims to discuss how to adhere to “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, and Elegance”, when translating the lines in movies. According to the discussion above, the paper points out that the principles, the skills and the uniqueness for the lines’ translation are mutually interacted, therefore, the translators are expected to pay much the same attention on all three aspects. The paper also emphasizes only through such combination of the relevant aspects of film translation can the target audience enjoy the original works, appreciate the foreign cultures and learn authentic English.本文来自优.文,论-文·网原文请找腾讯324.9114

Also, the paper puts forth an opinion in brief, that is the three translation principles, among which the principle of Expressiveness deserves top priority, can be just understood as the requirement of to be works-oriented, the audience-oriented as well as the art-oriented in film translation. Accordingly, the requirement of the audience-oriented should be emphasized.超声波水果清洗机设计+优视图

Key words: film translation (subtitling translation); language characteristics;cross-cultural communication; Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance.
Ⅰ  Introduction
1.1 Research at Home and Abroad
Traditionally, as to the film translation, the relevant research, national or international, mainly falls into three categories. Most scholars in this field prefer to focus on the language characteristics of lines, or the cross-cultural communication of lines, or the techniques of translating them in movies. For instance, in the article On the Translation of Film Scripts and TV Drama Scripts from Cultural Translation Perspective,本文来自优.文,论-文·网原文请找腾讯3249.114  the author insisted that: “…target culture is the essential factor in translation…..the translators should make positive use of their creativity in their attempt to achieve cultural function equivalence between target texts and source texts…” (Li, 2005:81). The article Language Characteristics for Foreign Motion Picture Translation and Translation Approaches concluded that being an important component in mass media, there are some peculiar approaches of language characteristics in foreign films and TV programs translation, such as semantic syncronization and discourse of utterance (Zhao and Huang, 2005:133-135). Although little attention was paid to the translation principles, a couple of critics and analysts still do not give up this issue. A professor from Shanghai International Studies University made a discussion of the realization of Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Gracefulness in the process of translating movie titles from Chinese to English (Ding, 2003: 26-30). Many foreign scholars also contributed much to booming this area at present. For example, Susan Bassnett once in her book Translation Studies tackles the crucial problems of translation and offers a history of translation theory, and then explores specific problems between literary translation and film translation through a close, practical analysis and concludes with extensive suggestions for better translation (Susan Bassnett, 1991: 15-18).保定风帆蓄电池公司营销策略研究文献综述+参考文献

Among the discussion, a majority of researchers happen to coincide in the terms of the theories of which they make positive use to support their stance. These theories include German functionalist translation theory, function equivalence theory, cultural translation philosophy, golden translation principles of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, and Elegance” and Translation Norm Theory and so on. Moreover, the analysis from the scholars proves to cover a wide range of subjects, such as linguistics, sociology, mass communication, cultural studies as well as relevant translation theories.
However, as a newly-developed translation arena, little fruits have been achieved in the study of the practical integration of translation principles of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, and Elegance” with translation of lines in English movies, though lots of outstanding researches cannot be ignored. So this paper focus on lines’ translation from English into Chinese under the theme of how to adhere to “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” in the film translation.

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