Another kind of attacks considered in this paper
is the physical attacks as shown in Figure 2. We
assume that the SOC is trusted, but the off-chip
external memory can be attacked. When the attacker
has physical access to the embedded equipment, he
can interfere with the communication between CPU
and memory to launch attacks as below.
(1) Code or data injection/modification attacks:
The attacker can modify the application code or data
in the external with a random value or inject a portion
of code or data. 本文来自优.文,论-文·网
(2) Control flow altering attacks: The attacker
can obtain the control flow of an application by
sniffing on the address bus. By controlling the
address bus, he can change the execution in his
designed direction.
(3) Code/data replay attacks: The attacker can
record a portion of instruction code/data and reuse it
later. By observing the results, the attacker can
catalog the information of individual replay attacks
which can be used to get a greater corruption or a
better understanding of the application.
Figure 2. Physical Attack on External Memory
The Compiler/Hardware Approach for
Secure Application Code and Data
This section describes the proposed
Compiler/hardware assisted application code and data
protection architecture (CHCDP).
Overview 原文请找腾讯752018766
境外加工生产项目可行性研究报告CHCDP has two main components shown in
Figure 3. At compile time, the compiler compiles and
links the source code to generate the executable
binary code. Meanwhile, it extracts the control flow
integrity and static data integrity monitoring model.
At runtime, the hardware logic compares the dynamic
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