However, most embedded software expose to a
number of vulnerabilities. Additionally, with the
wide application of wireless connection to the
networks or the Internet, many embedded systems
with these programs are easily becoming the targets
for software-based security attacks.
Similarly, the widely use of embedded systems
makes them easier for an attacker to carry on physical
access. With the help of advanced electronic
equipment the sophisticated attacker can control the
address/data bus to tamper, inject or replay memory
blocks when the application code and data are
loading to the processor.
Most of the existing approaches tackle the
security problems at the software level, but they
cannot avoid vulnerabilities and often cause high
overheads in performance.
This paper presents a novel hardware solution to
assist the application execution security. The
compiler extracts the control flow and static data
integrity validation information using hashing and
CRC integrity algorithms at compile time. The
dynamic data integrity validation information is
generated at runtime. The return address and frame
point of the functions are also protected to avoid the
stack smashing attacks. The designed hardware
observes its dynamic execution trace by the
monitoring model. When a mismatch is detected, it
will trigger the response mechanism.
A Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Array
(FPGA) and an open-source OR1200 processor are
assigned to build a SOPC, which verifies the
proposed architecture. The experimental analysis
shows that the proposed approach can eliminate a
wide range of common software and physical attacks
with low performance degradation and minimal
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