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大学生信用卡态度及行为英文参考文献和翻译 第6页

更新时间:2014-11-11:  来源:毕业论文
Findings from this study have shown that college students are greatly involved with credit cards. The research indicated mixed practices of college students' credit use and a low level of knowledge regarding credit. Based on the assumption that one's attitudes affect behavior, obtaining information on the factors affecting college students credit behavior offers a solid first step to improving college students' credit card behaviors.
The following recommendations are presented to help guide further future research on this important topic. These suggestions are based on a review of the inherent limitations in this study. First, this research used a convenience sample of college students. In this type of research, acquiring a random sample is expensive and time consuming; however, in future research endeavors, a random and larger sample should be considered. Second, income measures should be further developed in future research. College students' income is hard to measure because the definition of income varies from student to student. In this research, income was classified as cash flow from jobs, scholarships, allowances, and other income; however other measurements of income should be developed in future research. Finally, additional attempts should be made to standardize measures related to credit attitudes and behaviors. In this way future research can be evaluated on a consistent and reliable basis.
Table 1
Attitude Towards Credit (N = 242)

Item                                           SA     TA     TD     SD

1. The cost of using a credit card
   is too high.                               25.6   42.6   24.4    7.4
2. It is unwise to use any credit card.        4.5   21.9   45.9   27.7
3. Credit cards make a positive
   contribution to society.                    5.0   33.2   45.6  16.2
4. Credit cards should be used only
   in case of an emergency.                   21.5   35.1   35.1    8.3
5. I dislike all credit cards.                 4.5   14.9   45.1   35.5
6. Credit cards provide a needed service.     19.8   62.5   16.5    1.2
7. Credit cards are safe and risk free.        0.4    9.5   47.9   42.1
8. It is too easy to overspend with a
   credit card.                             57.8   35.1    5.0    2.1
9. I fear the consequences of
   overspending with a credit card.           38.4   36.0   19.8    5.8
Items 1, 2, 5, 8, and 9 were reverse coded.

Table 2
Demographic Characteristics

                                       % of
Variable                              Sample             Variable Level
Demographic Characteristics
Age                                                      Continuous
   Under 21                             45.5
21                                   20.3
   Over 21                              34.2
Gender                                                   Dummy

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