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Analysis on the Translation of Lines in English Movies 第8页

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Analysis on the Translation of Lines in English Movies 第8页
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My supervisor,Miss.YuQian, deserves the first place, since she has contributed a lot to this thesis and showed remarking patience. All the brainstorming, discussions, debates ... will be a good memory of mine, not to mention those interesting topics, clever ideas, and silly mistakes. Apart from the research part, she has taken a great care of my life here, helping me to ease the tensions of waiting for the result of The National Graduate Entrance Examination.
A huge thank to my dear parents. It is my parents who give me great comfort when I was at the end of my rope during the paper writing, it is my parents who share the happiness with me when I managed to complete the paper. It is also my parents who stand besides me all the time to support me, encourage me and love me.
A sweet thank goes to my lovely friend Li Biyun, who always help me to inspire ideas and discuss with me. A special thank to my dear roommate Liang Jingying, who taught me how to relax when feeling nervous. A big thank to my best friend LiangXiaowen, thanks her for caring men as always.
Last but not least, I would like to thank all the audience of my presentations, also the examiners of my paper. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your fair judgment.  

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