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Language Differences in Formal and Informal Business Correspondence 第8页

更新时间:2014-7-1:  来源:毕业论文

Language Differences in Formal and Informal Business Correspondence 第8页
3.2 Subject Line:
Informal business correspondence generally does not have a subject line. But in fact, subject line is an optional element for informal business correspondence. If you are familiar with the recipient, then you do not need to use the subject line, because your recipient already knows your motivation. Oppositely the formal business correspondence always uses the subject line to let the reader know the subject from the letter at first sight. It is a help for them to know whether they should read the entire letter or not, and helps them to skim quickly for relevant information. The function of subject line shows the efficiency of business communication which is also a consideration for reader and characteristic of business English. It saves time that is what the modern business world requires.
3.3 The Choice of Language Style:
Informal business correspondence uses a number of colloquial English words, phrases and expressions. Contraction and brevity are used widely in informal business correspondences as well. Numbers are always written with Arabic numerals, and sometimes punctuation is used to express meanings. Informal business correspondence is focused more on expression than grammar. This kind of casualness lets the reader feel like the writer is talking to him/her face-to-face, which also expresses the close and friendly relationship of the two sides. In the formal business correspondence, the writer chooses formal vocabularies, sentences, business jargon, and the grammatical structure to write the correspondence. They need to make sure everything in the letter is perfect. They spell out numbers, use the Standard English, social phrases, and polite expressions, subjunctive, euphemism to express their kindness, caution and respect to the other side but are less friendly and intimate. It shows the distance between two parties adequately.
3.4 Signature:
In informal business correspondence, the writers like to close with just their given name (the first name). The e-mail’s signature is an addendum that appears as the last few lines of the messages. Although signatures are optional in informal business correspondence, many people use them because they can add a friendly touch to the correspondence. You can put anything you like in your e-mail message’s signature, but most people just put their name, their company name and address, their other e-mail addresses, if they have multiples, and maybe a signature file. Oppositely people like to sign their full name in formal business correspondence. The sender’s name must be both typed and signed by hand, and should also include his or her position in the company or organization, which shows the canonicity of this correspondence. If the letter is for dealing with the complaints from clients, that writer’s high job title is a good way to project their company’s care about customer’ benefits.
3.5 Titles:
In informal business correspondence, the sender and recipient generally know each other more closely, so they seldom use each other’s titles. Moreover, this shows the intimate relationship between them. Nevertheless, formal business correspondence is the letter that is usually written to people whom are less familiar. So the sender must write his or her title and position clearly in order to let the reader know more about their business partners, which is a necessary condition to develop the business.
3.6 Complimentary Close:
Complimentary close is the phrases that requests action, summarizes the message, or presents a closing thought. Formal business correspondence follows strict rules that show respect and courtesy, which just like Chinese closing “Ci Zhi, Jing Li”. This kind of closing is no problem, but it conveys a strong sense of distance between the writer and the reader.
Generally, informal business correspondence uses the simple and casual closings, like “Best wishes” etc. But sometimes, an e-mail message ends with action information, dates, or deadlines, summary of the message, or a closing thought. Avoid closings from traditional business letters such as “pleased find enclosed” to indicate the documents have been attached. Avoid “Sincerely yours” or “If you have any questions, please call (or e-mail)”. Instead, use strong closing expressions as follows:
(a) I’m glad to have answered your question.
(b) Please submit your order by June 16 so that sufficient labels will be in stock for your peak sale season.
(c) If the quality meets our requirements we shall place substantial orders.
(d) How would you like to proceed?
4. What You Need to Grasp Correctly When Writing Formal and Informal Business Correspondence
In order to let your foreign recipients get a decent business letter, there are some points you should bear in mind.
4.1 Familiarity
The kind of writing style that should be used in our letters that depends on the relationship between the companies, or, more accurately, that depends on the relationship between the writer and the reader. Therefore, before writing a letter, you should know clearly that the relationship between you and the recipient, which is the key point of choosing the format and language style of your business letter.
4.2 Tone
Different countries have different culture. Although most foreigners are very nice, if you are the first time to do business with them, usage of a casual tone should be refrained. Therefore, the consideration of the purpose and the relationship with the recipient translates to the tone of a letter. Tone, being the writer's attitude towards the reader and the subject of the message, is presented in every sentence of the letter. It affects the reader just as one's tone of voice affects the listener. In summary, the tone of a letter is a reflection of the writer and it does affect how the reader will perceive the message. If you are writing a letter to your familiar, you can use the casual tone. If not, you should use the honorific tone. There are two different tones as follows:
Formal: honorific tone
Dear Sirs,
With reference to your advertisement in Business World, August 12, could you please send us a copy of your latest catalogue? I would also like to know if it is possible to make purchases online.
                                                       Yours faithfully,
                                                        DMK Co. Ltd.
                                                        Kenneth King

Dear Mr. King,
Thank you for your enquiry of September 8 asking for the latest edition of our catalogue. We are pleased to enclose our latest brochure. We would also like to inform you that it is possible to make purchases online at http:// jacksonbro.com. Should you need any other information, please feel free to let me know.

We look forward to welcoming you as our customer.
                                                       Yours sincerely
                                                       Dennis Jackson
Informal: casual tone
I got the message that your company has made some new products. I am interested in them. Please send your latest catalogue and the price list to me ASAP. I want to purchase some later.
Best wishes.

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