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How to Memorize Words Easily

更新时间:2014-6-28:  来源:毕业论文

How to Memorize Words Easily 第7页
From the above analysis, it is clear that we need to review newly learnt vocabulary on a regular basis, so that we are able to remember them firmly.
3. Focus on frequently-used words.
Furthermore, it is not enough to remember the spelling and meaning of a word, we should also know how to use them. Preferably, try to use a word in a certain context. Many words’ meaning depends on context, i.e. no context, no meaning. Some may argue that given such a large vocabulary, it is impossible for us to memorize all of them, let alone master all their usages. Here comes the issue of receptive/passive and productive/active vocabulary. Receptive/passive vocabulary refers to words that we are able to recognize and comprehend in reading or listening but unable to use automatically in speaking or writing. While productive/active vocabulary refers to those words that we are not only able to recognize but also use in speech and writing. So when we memorize words, we should pay more attention to those frequently-used words and master their usages.
4. Use our imagination.
We should be good at using our imagination as frequently as possible, drawing on our experience and knowledge. Your mnemonics may sound strange even absurd in other people’s eyes, never mind, as long as they work for you. 
In a word, we need to be more creative in our learning. By using more scientific and systematic methods, we can make English learning more fruitful and delightful.
5. Conclusion
The thesis analyzes the importance of vocabulary learning which is essential for communication in English. Regarding the fact that many English learners feel vocabulary learning quite time consuming and frustrating, the thesis summarizes many practical methods, including traditional ways, including memorizing words by way of affixes and roots, synonymy, antonym, hyponymy, doing exercise, association; classification, onomatopoeic motivation, etymological motivation, transliteration and mmnemonic, such as memorizing words by breaking down a word into several meaningful morpheme, using jokes or stories, homophone, using riddles and context, palindrome, similar spelling and comparison, tongue twisters, pictography, designing intelligent questions and answers, to help learners solve the problem. General rules for memorizing words are suggested: 1. Do not try to memorize a large number of words in a short time; 2. Consolidate vocabulary regularly; 3. Focus on frequently-used words;   4. Use our imagination. Hopefully, learners can find some of the methods useful or at least inspire them to create their own strategies.
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First and foremost, I am most grateful to my supervisor, Cui Yanqiu, whose constructive suggestions and comments have contributed greatly to the completion of this thesis. She devotes a considerable portion of her time to reading my manuscripts and making suggestions for further revisions. Her tremendous assistance in developing the framework for analysis and reviewing the draft version of this thesis several times as well as her great care in life deserve more thanks than I can find words to express.
My sincere thanks also go to all my teachers for their academic advice and generous help during my study in Foreign Language School of Beijing institute of technology (Zhuhai campus). Any progress that I have made is the result of their guidance and selfless care. Among them, I ‘d like to express my special thanks to  Professor Li Pengfei, Professor Zhang Qin, and Mrs. Zhang Pin.

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