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How to Memorize Words Easily

更新时间:2014-6-28:  来源:毕业论文

How to Memorize Words Easily 第4页
3.1.4 Association
Now, we have many opportunities to learn new words that we must cherish in our daily life. Some famous movies like titanic, tornado, I believe most of us have seen those movies before, thus we can memorize these two words titanic, tornado simultaneously. As a matter of fact, if we should spare a little time to pay attention to happenings around our life,it is for sure that more words will be learnt. For instance it is not easy to remember the word desperate, but if we know, at the present time, there is a popular soap opera called desperate housewife produced in America. If we associate it with this, desperate will be remembered easily. We will know the word carnation when buying flowers, know yoghourt when drinking milk. We also will learn vanilla when eating ice-cream. From the keyboard of a computer we are able to know some frequent words such as shift, enter, pause, delete, insert, and so on. So everywhere is knowledge only if we show our awareness of life association, which is a high-efficient way of word memorizing.
3.1.5 Classification
Classification is another way of words memorizing. Usually if we remember a word solely, it is low efficiency. We had better classify some words into the same category which will help us to memorize words more easily and this is a profitable learning. When we know the basic word doctor meanwhile we can learn physician surgeon, dentist, resident doctor, attending doctor, family doctor. Also when we know the word football, we will learn basketball, volleyball, softball, baseball, billiard ball, table tennis, badminton, cricket, water polo, ice hockey, field hockey. One more example if we learn the word proverb, we should not ignore these words like allegory, fable, dictum, maxim, motto, and aphorism.
3.1.6 Onomatopoeia
Motivation refers to the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning. As we know, the relationship between the word-form and meaning is conventional and arbitrary, most words can be said to be non-motivated, that is the connection of the sign and meaning does not account for the meaning. Nevertheless, English does have words the meanings of which are transparent and reasonably explicable. In modern English one may find some words whose phonetic forms suggest their meanings as the words were created by imitating the natural sounds or noises. For example, bow-wow, bang, ping-pong, meow, cuckoo, tick-tuck, ha are onomatopoetically motivated words. All the words based on the sounds made by animals, insects and so on belong to this category, crow by cooks, quack by ducks, trumpet by elephants, and buzz by bees or flies croak by frogs, squeak by mice, neigh by horse, bleat by goats, hiss by snakes, and roar by lions, etc.
3.1.7 Etymology
The origins of words more often than not throw light on their meanings. For example, now people use pen for any writing tool, though it originally refers to a heavy quill or feather, because before modern pens were created, feathers were trimmed to a split point used as writing tools. Though people in modern times no longer use feathers in writing, for the sake of conventionality, the name is retained. All the words communized from proper names can be explained in terms of their origins one example will suffice for illustration. The word laconic meaning brief or short is derived from lacons, a tribe of people who were known for their brevity of speech and for their habit of never using more words than necessary. Hence a laconic answer is a short answer.
3.1.8 Transliteration
Some English words, their pronunciations are directly replaced into Chinese vocabulary. That is because originally there are no Chinese words corresponding with English words. Good mastery of transliterated rules can make us directly remember a word according to its pronunciation.  For example, tank(坦克)Hindu(印度)vitamin(文他命)nicotine(尼古丁)boycott(杯葛)carnival(嘉年华)bingo(宾果)odyssey(奥德赛)siren(塞壬)panic(来自恐慌之神,潘).

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