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Gestures and Cross-cultural Communication 第9页

更新时间:2014-6-28:  来源:毕业论文

Gestures and Cross-cultural Communication 第9页
5  Conclusions
In conclusion, each nationality has its own gestures, but these gestures are mutually incomprehensible. Unintentionally, mistakes that can so easily occur when cultures and nationalities collide at some public places. An innocent gesture may well be an unwitting insult, and leads to serious misunderstandings.
Therefore, so as to reduce barriers in communication and avoid misunderstanding then achieve the efficient communication, it’s advisable to be aware of these differences and know the correct use of our gestures in the cross-cultural communication.
Understanding the gestures, identifying and using the gestures correctly, are the important factors of ensuring the cross-cultural communication to go on wheel.
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