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Gestures and Cross-cultural Communication 第2页

更新时间:2014-6-28:  来源:毕业论文

Gestures and Cross-cultural Communication 第2页
摘  要 II
1 The Background of Today’s Cross-cultural Communication 1
1.1 Political Background 1
1.2 Economic Background 1
1.3 Educational Background 2
2 The Significance of Gestures and Cross-cultural Communication 第2页 3
2.1 Political Communication and Gestures 3
2.1.1 The Gestures in the Inauguration Speech 3
2.1.2 A Dispute on a Military Salute 5
2.2 Economic Communication and Gestures 6
2.2.1 The Gestures in the Business Negotiations 6
2.2.2 Different Styles in Negotiations 7
2.2.3 Handshake in Business Negotiation 7
2.3 Educational Communication and Gestures 7
2.3.1 The Gestures in Class 7
2.3.2 Deaf-mute People and Gestures 8
2.4 Emergencies or Non-verbal Situations and Gestures 9
2.4.1 The Semaphore in Shipping Steam 9
2.4.2 The Sign Code of the Referee in the Basketball competition 10
2.4.3 The Gestures Between Conductor and Operator in Aloft Work 12
3 The Meanings of Gestures 13
3.1 Different Gestures with Different Meanings 13
3.2 The Same Meaning with Different Gestures 17
3.3 The Same Gestures with Different Meanings 17
4 The Correct Use of Gestures 21
4.1 The Correct use of Gestures in the Cross-cultural Communication 21
4.2 My Views and Suggestions 21
5 Conclusions 22
References 23
Appendix 24
Acknowledgements 25
1The Background of Today’s Cross-cultural Communication
The world today is characterized by an ever growing number of contacts resulting in communication between people with different linguistic and different cultural backgrounds. This communication takes place not only because of contacts within the areas of business, military cooperation, science, education, entertainment and tourism, but also because of immigration brought about labor shortage or political conflicts. Cross-cultural communication which is a field of study that looks at how people from different cultural backgrounds endeavor to communicate, gives opportunities to share ideas, experiences, and different perspectives and perception by interacting with local people. All cultures make use of nonverbal communication but its meaning varies across cultures. In one particular country, a non-verbal sign may stand for one thing, and mean something else in another culture or country.
With the swift growth of world’s economy, it is important to pay attention to the importance of the cross-cultural communication, especially in the fields of politics, economy and education.
Political Background
Referred to the politics, the cross-cultural communication was originally found within the government which was seeking to expand globally. The international relations are the multi-polarization relations. At the same time, the political multi-polarization is base on economic multi-polarization.
With the frequency of the diplomacy of foreign countries, it is more and more common that the exchange visit occurs frequently between two countries’ presidents. Our country’s foreign policy is in persistent pursuit of peace and equity, in order to promote the political development of the whole world. Therefore, it is important for us to communicate with each other, overcoming the cultural conflict and using the correct gestures.
At political level, "globalization" has become an irresistible trend and it is the rise of global economy. Many international organizations, governmental institutions and the whole academic world discuss the consequences of this political and economic restructuring on local economies, human welfare and environment. It is one of the most important features of present world.                  
Economic Background
Economy is as important as politics. In recent years, more and more economic activity in the world seems to be taking place between people who live in different countries. It takes different forms, like international trade, growth of import and export, foreign investments, foreign loans and bonds, and many others. Economic globalization has different consequences on   businesses all over the world and influences almost every other sphere of human life. Globalization has potential benefits on the one hand, and brings differences and challenge on the other hand. That is to say, companies should adapt their products or services to the linguistic and cultural requirements of different nations.
As for us Chinese, with China’s entry into WTO, increasing problems have to be dealt with in business and management. Lack of knowledge of another culture can lead, at the best, to embarrassing or amusing mistakes in communication. At the worst, such mistakes may confuse or even offend the people we wish to communicate with, making the conclusion of business deals or international agreements difficult or impossible. In the 24 years since China opened up to the outside world, the Chinese have seen that internationalization works. This means a root and branch reform of Chinese economy. Entering the WTO, China will enrich itself and the world. Then gesture is the most powerful, efficient and common means for communication and it will also be more and more important in the future society.
Educational Background
With the profound changes of the economic environment and the political environment, education is changing. Globalization and internationalization is the world's higher education reform and development trends, which lead to new changes in the education system.
Some scientists agree that globalization has also cultural and ecological connotations, and that it is not only political or economic phenomenon. It means that countries all over the world become interdependent in many possible ways. We listen to the same music, eat the same food, wear the same clothes, and decide ecological and war and peace issues together.
Nowadays there is a hot phenomenon that many students go abroad to study, and learn different cultures. In the school education, gestures play a positive role in cultivating the students’ characters. Teachers' gesture helps to improve the students' artistic-appreciation and moral character. As a matter of fact, teachers' friendly appearance can greatly encourage the students' studying enthusiasm. Furthermore, the characteristics of theoretic and abstraction of knowledge also requires the vivid, dramatic and an accessible gestures to make it specific and figurative. As a result, the students' interest is motivated and the effect of teaching is greatly improved.
In class, the use of gestures can not only attract the students' attention, but also deepen their impression and imagination. Using gestures is completely up to the standard of audio-visual teaching principle, so teachers try to teach in English from the beginning to the end, together with the corresponding gestures. So the students abroad should understand the oversea teachers’ gestures in class, in order to gain good results and come to the top.

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