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Gestures and Cross-cultural Communication 第10页

更新时间:2014-6-28:  来源:毕业论文

Gestures and Cross-cultural Communication 第10页
1.美国在每年四月的第三个星期四,是“国家High Five日”,
2.corna (mano 、cornuta、 horned hand),这一手势被用来驱逐坏运气或是邪恶的眼睛。自1960年代后,这一手势也被用来代表魔鬼撒旦和撒旦主义,并在重金属音乐中表示多种含义,这一手势也被叫作“魔鬼之角”、“山羊之角”、“摇滚之角”、“甩出山羊”、“邪恶手指”或直接称为“角”等等。有一种理论声称Corna这种手势与十字架手势相对——三指拢成一点代表圣灵三位一体。
3.比中指,这一手势,在英法百年战争末期,本来快战败的英国,因为获得了新的秘密武器一用紫杉(Yew)作成的长弓,而在英王亨利五世领导下,于阿金库尔战役中扭转了劣势。因长弓而损失了大量兵员的法军,对英军下了绝杀令,只要捕捉到了英国的弓箭手,法军会将他们用来拉弓的右手中指斩断,再将他们吊死。然而,法军的宣誓并未吓阻英军的反扑。最后,法军挫败;据说,在法军撤退的时候,所有的英国弓箭手将右手举起,炫耀他们依然存在的中指,并大声喊道:"See, We can still plug the yew!Plug yew!" (看哪!我们还可以拉紫杉长弓!拉弓!)据说,经过了久远的口语流传,逐渐转变成为今天的比中指手势与"Fuck You" 的骂人话。在古罗马时,常这个手势称为digitus impudicus,一种来污辱人其他人的手势。在加拿大,前总理皮埃尔·特鲁多对反对者使用这个手势后,比中指被称为Trudeau salute。在中文华人社会中,比中指具有侮辱性质,通常被认为是对女性进行侮辱,是一种禁语手势。而在地中海和亚洲地区,这个手势用来指向某些东西。       
4.                     “我爱你”手势,或许在中国还不是很多人都明白使用这个手势,它其实是由分别代表“I”、“Love”、“You”三个字的三个手势合并而来的(下面有一张分解图),用的时候可以分开做,也可也用这个合并的。
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the following individuals,without whose substantial assistance the completion of this thesis paper would not have been possible.
First and foremost, I am especially indebted to my supervisor, Professor Wei Qing. She gives me the illuminating guidance and enlightening suggestions. She also gives me the most patient instructions during the busiest time she has ever had. Thank you for her encouragements and trust she has placed on me.
In addition, my thanks also go to other professors and instructors at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Zhuhai Campus, Beijing Institute of Technology from whose inspiring lectures and inspiring ideas I have benefited immensely and then finish my thesis smoothly.
Finally, on a personal note, I am also very grateful to the help of my family and my friends. Without the understanding, support and encouragement from them, I cannot overcome difficulties during the research process and finish the thesis writing.
Thanks a lot!

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