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SQL Server数据库英文文献和翻译

更新时间:2014-6-9:  来源:毕业论文

A relational database, SQL Server
1, by Microsoft SQL Server is the development and popularization of relational database system (DBMS), which was originally by Microsoft, and Ashton Sybase Tate - three companies and joint development, launched in 1988, the first OS / 2 version.
2 and relational database management system (RDBMS) function:
"Maintaining the relationship between database data,
"Ensure the correctness of the data storage,
"When a system fault, all data recovery to ensure consistent done some condition
3, RDBMS: SQL Server, Oracle, DB / 2, Sybase Informix,
4 and amplified RDBMS (File - based) : Foxpro, Access
Second, SQL Server 2000 version
1 and SQL Server 2000 common version:公司企业形象宣传策划
"Enterprise Edition (Enterprise Edition),
Support all SQL Server 2000 function. This version for large and medium-sized products, and can support the database server, large web companies OLTP (online transaction processing) and large data warehouse system (on-line analytical processing (OLAP) required performance.
"Standard version (Standard Edition),本文来自优.文,论-文·网原文请找腾讯752018766
A small range of practical working or departments. It supports most SQL Server2000 function. But, do not have support large database, data warehouse and the functionality of the site. And don't support all the relations of the database engine.
"Personal Edition (Personal Edition),
Mainly used in mobile users, because they often disconnected, and from the network of applications running still need SQL Server 2000 support. Besides the transaction copy, able to support all functions of SQL Server 2000 standard version of the support.
"Edition) Developer Edition (Developer
Suitable application development version, support except graphical Server2000 SQL language setting beyond all the other functions. This version is mainly used in the programmer development application, will SQL Server 2000 as data storage area. Although development version of the function, but only authorized for a development and testing system, not a product server.
1.1 SQL Server features
With the integration of the Internet:
SQL Server 2000 database engine comprehensive support XML Language, creating take (extensible Markup Language), that the user can easily be database data released to the Web page.
"Scalability and usability:VF物业管理系统 -
Can span from running Windows 95, 98 / the laptop to run Windows 2000 large-scale multiple 2661

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