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服务科学与会计英文文献和翻译+外文参考文献 第8页

更新时间:2014-6-2:  来源:毕业论文
budgeting. Economic value added analysis could achieve more relevance through a broader idea of service assets the new discipline appears to be generating. Deeper insight into the process of service innovation is also valuable. The strategic purpose of the balanced scorecard will be enhanced when better leading indicators for service innovation arise. These sorts of connections will tie the new discipline into existing curriculum. If service science can enhance the practice of accounting it will earn an important source of credibility while also removing a barrier to its own success.
Conclusions 武汉市住宅市场发展的对策研究
This paper set out to explore how the emerging discipline of service science will relate to the scholarly and professional practice of accounting. This preliminary overview has revealed that service science could improve the state of accounting research into the service sector. 本文来自优.文,论^文·网原文请找腾讯752018766 the area of service science need to be cognizant of the deep social structures that are imbedded in accounting practice. If the new discipline can help scholars build trustworthy mechanisms for valuing service assets these developments will be valuable to accounting scholars and create significant intellectual capital. While it is necessary for the new discipline to focus on its own conceptual development it can avoid the errors of fanciful theoretical concepts that may develop if research is limited to intra-disciplinary questions. Concurrent development of connections to related accounting research will keep the process on a mutually beneficial useful track. The editors of this new journal are to be complimented on establishing a journal dedicated to the new discipline with just such a cross disciplinary awareness.
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