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商誉会计与绩效评估英文文献和翻译 第4页

更新时间:2014-5-20:  来源:毕业论文
performance measurement.  Similarly, Ellis (2001) shows that  a  performance  measure
reflecting value creation is related directly to economic goodwill. However, a positive EVC

does not imply that value was created in the period. EVC is not a periodic measure of value creation, and it also does not provide information about the afterward realization of value. For a performance measures to indicate the necessity of corrective action, it needs to indicate the extent to which the initially planned value creation has actually been realized.
In the next section, we describe the design of a performance measurement system that links goodwill accounting and the desirable properties described above. In section 4, we critically  discuss  the  use  of  accounting  information  gathered  for  impairment  testing according to IAS 36 and FAS 142 for this performance measurement system.
3. Performance-based evaluation of Goodwill本文来自优,文,论-文·网原文请找腾讯752018766
In the following, we present a measure which shows both the newly created value and the extent to which the initially planned value creation has been realized. We show that this performance measure has two main components: residual income and goodwill. Since all figures are calculated on the level of  reporting  units or cash generating units, the resulting  performance  measure  can  additionally  be  used  for  performance  evaluation purposes of divisional managers. We apply our measure to a numerical example in order to demonstrate its properties.
3.1. Residual Income, Goodwill and Value Creation农村家庭邻里纠纷的调查报告 -

As  a  starting  point,  we  take  on  the  perspective  of  shareholders.  From  their perspective, the  outcome of the firm consists of increases in the share price, dividends, options etc., i.e. the so-called “total return to shareholders (TRS)”:

where St  denotes the stock price at date t. In case of distributing the profits, dividends can  be  approximated  by  free  cash  flows  (FCF),  which  is  operating  cash  flows  less investments. The shareholder receives the FCF and has to accept a decrease in firm value. If earnings are retained he does not receive dividends but an increase in firm value. Thus, both cases can be expressed by the TRS, i.e. the sum of the dividends (D) and the change in
stock price (ΔS).

6Consistent with O'Hanlon and Peasnell (2002), we assume that cash flows occur at discrete intervals at the end of each period. For simplicity, we abstract from debt financing [4]. Further, we assume the “clean-surplus-relation” to hold [5]. That is, all changes in book values during a period are reflected in that period’s accounting income or in the period’s net distribution to shareholders:where Bt  denotes the book value of equity at date t. It  is the accounting income and Dt denotes  the  net distribution to shareholders at date t. Residual income as a measure of accounting income in  excess of a required return on capital employed is central to this discussion. As a consequence, it only  answers the question whether profits exceed the 近代英语的简洁简化
firm's cost of capital r. It is therefore given by:

The costs  of  capital  are  equal  to  the  alternative  investment-opportunities  of  the owners. Thus,  it is irrelevant to the investor if the surpluses are actually distributed and reinvested by him or if the firm retains and invests the surpluses. Consequently, if a value based performance measure is to provide information about the additional value created from the perspective of shareholders, it needs to capture both the increase in firm value and the distributions to shareholders.

TRS as a performance measure is typically used for the external measurement of profitability of a share ownership, consisting of the gain in share price and the dividends. To make use of this measure internally, we need to replace external by internal measures, assuming that intrinsic valuation adequately represents the valuation on the capital market. The  conversion  of  internally  generated  fundamental  firm  value  into  market  value  is influenced by additional effects. These effects, like capital market communication and information processing, require their own management. By comparing internal and external value  generation,  differences  can  be  identified,  which  possibly  result  from  a  poor communication with the capital market. For internal control purposes, stock prices St are substituted by the intrinsic value Vt  which is formally given by

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