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更新时间:2014-5-15:  来源:毕业论文

关键词:ERP 投资评价方法 方法分析  本文来自优.文,论-文·网原文请找腾讯324.9114
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has become a core competitive strategy in 21st century. ERP had the greatest energy integrated logistics, information flow, cash flow, optimize the allocation of resources,can accelerate business the respond to market and risks, create potential value for enterprises,it's an important tool to improve the competitiveness of enterprise. At the same time, we should see ERP is a high-cost and high-risk investment, many factors affect the potential advantages. Many domestic and foreign enterprises apply for ERP in a rush, so ERP implementation performance issues becoming the focus. Enterprise is not only concerned about if it's deserve to devotion, useful or not, the more concern that how about the performance and how to promote the improvement of enterprise management mode. The article focuses on ERP, and take an overview of the performance evaluation system, then describes several existing common ERP investment evaluation methods and analysis investment evaluation the strengths and weaknesses then try to repair ERP project investment evaluation,Then introduce performance evaluation as a method of investment appraisal.Finally take China Foods Limited ERP project as an example to analysis investment evaluation hope to provide direction for future research.
Key words: ERP;Methods of Investment Evaluation;Analysis of Methods
目   录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
一 引言 1
 (一)ERP系统的基本内涵 1
 (二)ERP应用情况 1
1.从ERP用户区域分布来分析 2
2.从ERP用户行业分布来分析 2
3.从ERP系统应用的规模来分析 2
二ERP项目投资评价 4
 (一)ERP项目的投资评价概述 4
1.所涉及的内容的综合性 4
2.涉及时间具有多样性 4
3.具有高收益和高风险性 4
4.风险分析是项目评价中不可缺少的重要内容 4
 (二)ERP投资评价的意义 4本文来自优.文,论-文·网原文请找腾讯752018766
 (三)ERP投资评价的方法 5
1.传统信息化项目投资评估模型 5
2.非传统信息化项目投资评估模型 7
三ERP项目绩效评价方法及改善思路 4
 (一)专家经验评分法 4
 (二)ABCD评价表 5
 (三)平衡计分卡 6
四 案例 10
 (一)企业及实施情况介绍 10
1.企业简介 10
2.面临挑战 10
3.效益 11
 (二)评价分析 13
五 总结 14
参考文献 15
致    谢 16,2630

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