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关于英汉语谚语中狗的对比研究 第6页

更新时间:2014-5-14:  来源:毕业论文
36.  E:lead a dog's life
37.  E: not have dog's chance
38.  E:a lazy dog
C: 懒汉。
39.  E: a dirty dog
40.  E:like a dog at a whistle
41.  E:a dog in the manger
42.  E:Beware of a silent dog and still water.
C:提防不吠的狗, 小心 静止的水。
43.  E:a cat-and-dog life
44.  E:hand-dog look
45.  E: dog it
46  E: Dog eats dog.
C: 狗咬狗。
Most proverbs containing dogs in English is also negative such as “Dog eat dog”, “ dog it”,  “a dirty dog” and so on. There is not so much difference with Chinese proverbs in this aspect. But from the listed proverbs containing dogs above, we can find the positive aspect in English is much higher than in Chinese.

Chapter Three Major Findings
3.1 Data Analysis 无线局域网技术的发展现状与展望

After analyzing from the proverbs above, two tables and charts come out as follows:
Chart one:  Chinese proverbs containing  dogs:

positive negative neutral total本文来自优.文,论-文,网
1 14 7 22

Chart two:  English proverbs containing dogs:

positive negative neutral total
7 30 9 46
From the two tables and charts, we can see both in Chinese and English the negative account for the most part. In Chinese proverbs containing dogs, positive only account for 4 percent. But in English its account for 15 percent. 

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