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英文化差异在广告用语中的反映及相应的翻译技巧论文格式 第5页

更新时间:2012-7-4:  来源:毕业论文
The adoption of polysystem theory has led to the development of target text-oriented translation studies, a non-prescriptive approach in which the emphasis has been on describing actual translation practices rather than constructing theories which propose one particular translation method as being the only correct one. 论文范文http://www.chuibin.com/   参考资料的具体要求: 1. 每篇论文至少要有15篇以上的参考文献,其中英文原版参考文献要有5个以上,杂志文章要有6篇以上,且杂志文章中至少要有3篇文章是最近三年发表的。 2. 文章后面的参考文献原则上要在文中以夹注的形式出现。 3. 所有文中夹注必须在后面的参考文献中能够找到详细信息,年号和页码要能够相吻合。但是如果参考文献是书本,只需在夹注中标注页码,后面的参考文献不需标注页码。 4. 杂志文章在期刊号后面注明起止页码。如果引用的话语或观点用夹注标注,且很具体的信息要标注清楚页码,如 In 1973, Robin Lakoff proposed the concept of “women’s language”, which meant the style of the female speech different from the male one. In 1974, based on the foundation of Lakoff’s research, Kramer wrote the article “Woman’s Speech: Separate but Unequal?” and proposed the terminology of “women’s speech. (1974:12) Crosby & Nyquist(1977:23) put forward “the female register” in the article The Female Register: an Empirical Study of

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