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英文化差异在广告用语中的反映及相应的翻译技巧论文格式 第3页

更新时间:2012-7-4:  来源:毕业论文
Women as a special group represent half 论文范文http://www.chuibin.com/  of the world’s population and perform nearly 66% of all working hours but receive only one-tenth of the income generated and own less than 1 percent of the property. In the United States some 77% of poverty is borne by single, divorced, or widowed women. In Russia, women comprise 88% of the ditch diggers at any hydroelectric project while constituting less than 1 percent of the former Soviet Academy of science. (Coates, 1993:23) (夹注英文文献只写作者姓氏及出版年代,中间用逗号隔开,页码标记在冒号之后,凡所引文献必须在References详细列出出版信息) The above facts are only a few examples of the worldwide denial of the rights of women. However, from the end of 1960s to the beginning of 1970s, women’s liberation movement began and gathered in Europe and America. In 1966, National Women’s Organization in United States was found, which gave women’s liberation movement a rise to the upsurge. The female asked for the same rights as the male owned in every aspects of the social life, including in the languages, which greatly promoted a further study on the female speech. At present, British and American feminist linguists and the literary criticism of feminism in France are the main representatives of the study of the female speech. British and American feminist linguists believe that the language is the fixed media and independent system of the fixed relationship between signifier and signifiee. 2.3 Characteristics of the female speech Within the feminist movements, the characteristics of the female speech have gained more attention around the world. Thus, there are more researchers engaged in the study of this project, and some of them have made descriptions about the characteristics of the female speech. Although some of those descriptions made by some sociolinguists have been listed above, the paper will also discuss the other two to initiate the author’s further research on the female’s characteristics of speech. Firstly, Wood (1994) identified several features of women’s communication that foster connections, support, closeness, and understanding: 1) Equality is an important feature of the female communication; 2) Showing support for others is the characteristics of the female speech; 3) The female speech is characterized by conversational maintenance work; 4) The female are usually socialized to care for others and to make them feel valued; 5) The female speech is a personal and concrete style; 6) Tentativeness has been indentified as a feature of women’s communication. 5 Conclusion (论文结论应简要地小结本文的主要内论文范文http://www.chuibin.com/  容,对重要发现和观点要表述清楚,但应注意不是论文摘要的简单重复,篇幅在半页到一页。) References(空一行) [1] Brook, J. & Carlton L. Winbery. Greek Syntax Summary[M]. Lanham: University Press of America. 1979. (姓写全,名大写第一个字母) [2] Brown, P. & Silina Levinson. Politenss: Some Universal in Language Usage[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1987. [3] Spacebrook, J.A. & Carlton L.Winbery. Greek Syntax Summary[M]. Lanham: University Press of America. 1979. (此文献中有多位作者的,第一位作者先写姓+逗号+缩写名的第一个大写字母+圆点,用& 连接第二个作者,第二个作者人名不需要名姓颠倒,只需按正常顺序写全名即可) [4] Brown, P. & Silina Levinson. Politenss: Some Universal in Language Usage[M]. Cambridge:标点符号后要空格Cambridge University Press, 1987. [5] Thompson, D. The Concise Oxford Dictionary [M]. London: Oxford University Press. 2000. [6] Freeborn, D. From Old English to Standard English[M]. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2000. [7] Wallace, D. B. Greek Grammar [M]. New York: Amason Publishers House. 1995.

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