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ERP环境下的企业内部审计英文文献和翻译 第2页

更新时间:2012-5-24:  来源:毕业论文
The consultants lacked the "big picture" perspective of the company's business operations and were unable to suggest ways BIZ could reengineer their processes to facilitate ERP adoption and increase efficiency and effectiveness. When BIZ asked the consultants "Can we do this?" the consultants answered,"Yes, we think we can make that work." A more informed answer would have been something like, "We probably could, but we do not recommend that. We suggest the following...."
At the same time, BIZ personnel were busy dealing with the daily demands of running the existing system and didn't spend a lot of time thinking about these issues. By default, BIZ and the consultants resorted to making the new system mirror the old one in look and feel, thinking this approach would minimize the suffering associated with the new system. In doing so, the weaknesses of the old system were ignored and, in fact, painstakingly designed into the new system.
TIME TO HIT THE SWITCH After more than a year, BIZ's management was frustrated with the amount of time it was taking to complete the project. They were also approaching the end of the lease on the mainframe and did not want to incur the high cost of renewing it. As a result, the end of the lease term was set as a firm date for shutting down the mainframe and "going live" with the new system.
While establishing a deadline motivated BIZ'S implementation team, the drop-dead date unfortunately came before the new system was ready. The system was inadequately tested, and it was not yet operating in parallel with the old one.
Problems and glitches are inevitable in any project of such magnitude; but in this case the new system literally slumped and died. First, the system encountered transactions it could not handle; then it froze completely due to the volume of transactions generated.本文来自优-文~论~文·网原文请找腾讯324,9114
During this difficult time, "work-around" procedures were developed. To address the volume issue, the organization processed transactions in split shifts. When the problems persisted, the company abandoned the purchase requisition portion of the ERP package and opted instead to prepare and process these documents manually
Further investigation revealed a partial source of the problem. Instead of customizing the database set-up to optimize their business processes, BIZ had simply accepted Brand X's defaults. Tweaking the database so that it better fit their needs increased the system's processing speed, but it was still unacceptably slow. The team finally determined that the system's deficient performance was due to the developer's poorly written code.VB.NET的数据库访问和ADO.NET外文文献及翻译
BIZ successfully convinced the developer that inherent problems existed in the way the package processed data. Unfortunately, since the next version of the software was in development and because BIZ's version was now two "generations" old, the developer no longer supported the software. As a result, BIZ employees had to alter the code themselves in many situations.
Damage assessment the long-term effects of these problems were significant and widespread. Previously well-managed processes were left running with little control or accountability so that the organization could function. BIZ fell behind in payments to its vendors, a real blow to an organization with a previously impeccable record and reputation. The new purchasing system was implemented at the end of the fiscal year when most of BIZ'S capital expenditures are typically made, further compounding the problem.

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