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中小型企业电子管理内部控制英文文献和翻译 第3页

更新时间:2012-4-30:  来源:毕业论文
Steps to Implement an e-Management System
Any form of e-management implementation must go through the following steps. Skipping any of those
steps can lead to future disasters in the company.
1. Documentation of all processes – all internal and external processes must be documented. For
every process there will be described the actions performed, the responsible for every action, the
information used (from other related processes) and the information provided to the next
processes. A definition of metrics and performance indicators for every process is also required.
2. Definition of requirements – what SME management expects from the new e-management
system: what global system indicators should be provided, when they will be calculated, and how
those indicators should be calculated. A detailed descriptions of all capabilities will be also
defined – in order to be more accurate, it’s a good approach to describe also what the system
should not do (this will avoid further confusions). The requirements will describe where and how
the data will be presented – in a computer application, on the internet, will be sent by email, etc.
3. Provider selection: usually there are two main options: buy a (software) tool that meets the
requirements or contact another company to develop a custom (software) tool according to the
requirements. The decision here must consider several factors, besides costs:
How many requirements can be met by using the off the shelf products – most of those
products meet some general requirements, but may not meet some key requirements which
disqualify them.步进电机水位高度检测系统设计+流程图+参考文献
What customer support is offered by the provider and what are the service terms. Training for
all company staff will be required and those aspects should be treated with care, especially if
the system will be implemented and customized by another company.
If there are options to develop and implement the system in several stages, for a flexible
depreciation schedule.
4. Purchasing/development – if “of the shelf” products will be used for the e-management solution,
they will be purchased in a custom configuration (if possible) with documentation and training
programs. An extended support contract is useful. If the e-management tools will be developed by
another company it’s better to keep close relationship with the development team. For a successful
final product, intermediate product snapshots can be tested during the development cycle, so
adjustments can be made earlier.
5. Testing period – depending on the complexity of the e-management process, there will be a testing
period of the new system. In this period there will be used both methods in all processes – the old
method and the new one – to ensure the continuity of the production process and to check if the
indicators provided by the e-management systems are reliable. This phase should be ended after
all the staff is accommodated with the new system, the company went thorough all possible cases
(including end of the year backups and reports), and after all requirements were successfully
tested. The e-management solution should be modified if there are any discrepancies.
6. Future improvements and maintenance – during the e-management usage period new
opportunities will be opened, and there will be some point when the e-management system should
be improved, so the implementation process will be repeated with the same steps, with the
amendment that this time provider selection can be the same as before, to ensure continuity and

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