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中小型企业电子管理内部控制英文文献和翻译 第2页

更新时间:2012-4-30:  来源:毕业论文
Management system. e-Business is the next level of fax and email orders, like connecting a company with
a supplier or with an outsourced company.
e-Commerce is very common those days, and is about connecting the customer with the company. The
typical cases are on-line stores from the Internet.JAVA搜索引擎设计论文+源代码+工作原理+发展趋势+发展史
Using those new approaches is not mandatory for a SME, but since Europe become a single market
exploring the new opportunities and meeting the new demands will soon impose e-Management as a new
standard for any successful SME. Any Romanian SME working with other European companies which
already have standards applied (ISO, TUV, etc) will have to implement an e-Management system.
Internet is usually the main channel where all the data flows, and due to mobile technologies, managers can
have access to key information about their business anytime, anywhere – so travel times are no longer
“dead times”, the manager can actively control the business even if they are not in the office.
E-Management provides the necessary support for a company to achieve the objectives using a clear path,
measurable and predictable.本文来自优.文~论^文·网原文请找腾讯3249.114
Arguments for Implementing an e-Management System
To implement an e-management system a SME must be first of all sure it needs one. Without a rigorous
planning the new system can soon become a bottleneck and using it can cause disaster in the company.
Arguments to implement an e-management system:
The company has many internal processes (manufacturing, shipping, customer support).
Communication between the internal processes is performed using basic tools (phone,
There are many cases when production is delayed because of lack of stock.
There is no (or poor) control of product’s life cycle (who manufactured it, who tested it, who
packed it, when, etc).
The management cannot identify the source of customer complaints
Partners and customers are located in a different geographic region (country) or they use a
different language
There is a clear view of all processes and of metrics required from each process.
There is a budget for e-management implementation (time costs, training, equipment,
framework development).plc控制四层电梯系统设计+流程图+电路原理图+PCB图
Employees, partners and customers have an acceptable technical IT level.
Arguments to not implement an e-management system – or to delay it
The company has a limited number of customers, or the customer feedback is not vital.
Customers and partners are located close to the company and they have very tight relations.
There are few processes and they are simple and straight forward.
There is already a simple process implemented for keeping record of production flow, which
provides acceptable results.
There is no budget for implementing a new e-management system, including the cost of staff

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