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土木工程专业大跨度FRP网架结构英文文献和翻译 第2页

更新时间:2012-4-29:  来源:毕业论文
The FRP woven web structure, a new large-span structural system, is presented in this paper. This new system represents an attempt aimed at the efficient utilization of the unique characteristics of FRP in a large-span roof. In an FRPWWS, the high strength FRP strips are woven like bamboo strips in a Chinese bamboo mat to form a plane web. The outer edge of the web is anchored on an outer ring beam, and an inner ring beam is provided to anchor the FRP strips at the center of the web. A small-scale model of a simple FRPWWS is shown in Figure 1. The FRP strips are initially prestressed to a limited extent to keep them straight during “weaving”. Then, the FRP web is tensioned by a displacement of the inner ring beam in the out-of plane direction, which is effected either by a set of prestressed tendons or by suspending a heavy mass from the inner ring beam. As a result, a tensioned FRP web, whose geometric stiffness is able to resist a variety of loads, forms a large-span roof system with the two rings. 数字温度计设计(原理图+电路图+流程图+源程序)
The FRPWWS resembles the cable net structure and the cable-membrane structure: their members are flexible; and the geometric stiffness resulting from tension is utilized to resist loads. However, the FRPWWS has its unique advantages: (1) the FRP strips are ideal for super  large-span structures due to their low self-weight and their superior material properties in the lengthwise direction, which are efficiently utilized, while the  weakness of inferior properties in the transverse directions is not exposed; (2) significant damping can be expected to arise from friction at joints between FRP strips, which can enhance the resistance of the structure to wind and earthquake loads; (3) the regular weaving pattern leads to an aesthetically pleasing surface; and (4) the corrosion resistance of FRP and the ease of installation because of its lightweight translate into low maintenance costs.
In this paper, the basic layout and construction procedure for a simple FRPWWS system is presented in detail. The weaving patterns in plane are vb学生成绩管理系统设计报告(需求分析+流程图+ER图+功能体系图)
summarized into three types. Some spatial FRPWWS forms for practical applications are also proposed. A simple mechanical model for individual FRP strips in the web is presented. Results from the finite element analysis of a simple FRPWWS are also described.本文来自优.文~论,文.网原文请找腾讯32,49114


A simple FRP woven web structure is composed of a FRP woven web, an outer ring beam and an inner ring beam for anchorage, and an additional weight or a set of prestressed tendons, as shown in Figure 1.
The web is woven with FRP strips, and CFRP strips or other high-performance hybrid FRP strips are suggested. CFRP strips, which have been widely used to strengthen concrete structures in recent years, are manufactured by pultrusion in general, with a fiber volume ratio of about 65%. The properties of two representative products made in China and Switzerland respectively are listed in Table 1.

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土木工程专业大跨度FRP网架结构英文文献和翻译 第2页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766
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