Through the fiscal services of the FINAC the government bodies will firstly be 本文来自优.文,论^文·网原文请找腾讯32491.14
able to monitor and control the tax current financial operations in real time and,
secondly, calculate the taxes (duties, fees and other charges according to the national
legislation). The traditionally used software that is currently implemented to monitor
and control the taxpayers should be re-engineered and incorporated within the
architecture of cloud computing. The introduction of new functions of ongoing control
over the tax commercial and financial transactions will exclude the possibility of
carrying out the instantaneous illegal transactions, which are hard or impossible to track
within the
Obviously, the FINAC system implies that the banks will be obliged to accept
and process payment orders in a special digital format and prepared only using FINAC.
The tax and the civil codes, respective legislation as well as the bookkeeping
and financial accounting standards will be embodied in the main algorithms and data
models of the FINAC system, which will in the future be possible to alter only publicly
through the amendments to the appropriate laws and regulations. In a nutshell, the idea
is to create an integrated government knowledge base on accounting and taxation.
Economists (both scientists and practicing experts) will have an opportunity to actively
take part in optimizing the taxation
market economy.
聚焦三农暑假社会实践活动实施方案Taking into consideration that this knowledge (application algorithms and
database models of the FINAC) have to be open, the creation of the system itself cannot
be entirely closed, and it would be sensible to create a large proportion of the
programming components and services as open source software [5]. Only the
infrastructural subsystems of data storage, authorization, transactions security and
access protection must be the components developed under strict secrecy and once in
place they should be regulated and controlled by the special government services.
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