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更新时间:2012-4-23:  来源:毕业论文
behavior (Eddleston and Kellermanns 2006), family- question of whether corporate entrepreneurship is a
to-firm unity (Eddleston et al. 2008a), and long-term necessary condition for long-term success, but also
horizons (Zellweger2007).Incontrasttothis positive add to the entrepreneurship literature by investigating
perspective, Barringer and Bluedorn (1999) suggest the relationship between EO and performance (e.g.,
that reliance on long-term planning horizons runs Rauch et al. 2009). Therefore, we build on and add to
counter to the proactive nature of the entrepreneurial Zahra et al.’s (1999) reflection on equifinality, which
process, and that a long-term tenure is optimal for suggests that organizations can utilize different
conservative and less entrepreneurial firms (Covin orientations to暖通空调冷却塔英文文献及翻译  reach the same objective and achieve
1991; Covin and Slevin 1991). Studies suggest that the same outcome(s). Second, our analysis provides a
family firms are endangered by, for example, strate- more fine-grained perspective of EO in the context of
gicsimplicityandinertia(Cabrera-Suarezet al.2001; family firms, which may help to explain the differing
Miller 1983; Morris 1998). Moreover, Schulze et al. views in the literature about patterns of corporate
(2003) acknowledge the serious tensions that develop entrepreneurship, such as about autonomy or risk
within the family firm between the need for change taking (e.g., Nordqvist et al. 2008; Zahra 2005).
and stability, with entrepreneurship seen as an Because we reach beyond the existing dimensions of
antidote to stability and strategic simplicity. EO and propose additional scales that have not been
The finding that many family firms have managed incorporated thus far, we follow the continuous calls
to survive and flourish over long periods of time of researchers to apply established concepts from the
despite low levels of corporate entrepreneurship entrepreneurship field in the family business context
challenges traditional entrepreneurship wisdom. In in order to advance both fields (e.g., Chrisman et al.
light of these considerations and different findings in 2005; Chua et al. 2003; Hoy and Verser 1994).
the literature, we see a need for further reflection on本文来自优.文~论^文·网原文请找腾讯3249.114  Our paper is structured as follows. First, we
corporate entrepreneurship in the context of long- provide theoretical foundations by giving an over-
lived family firms. We specifically examine entre- view of corporate entrepreneurship research in the
preneurial orientation (EO) and treat EO as a key contextoffamilyfirms.Second,weillustrate ourcase
construct of firm-level corporate entrepreneurship research methodology and describe the firms we
(Lumpkin and Dess 1996; Miller 1983). examined. Third, we present our case study findings
We analyze corporate entrepreneurship in long- regarding the five EO dimensions and, where appro-
lived family firms through three in-depth case studies priate, develop propositions as analytical generaliza-
of Swiss firms, between 80 and 175 years old. To tions. Finally, we discuss our insights, examine
touch upon the uniqueness of entrepreneurship in limitations,andprovidedirectionsforfutureresearch.
family firms originating from the systemic interac-
tions between the individual, the family, and the firm
(Habbershon et al. 2003), we interviewed 13 top- 2 Theoretical foundations
echelon firm managers. Following precedent, we 酒店暖通空调工程设计+CAD系统图+文献综述+外文文献翻译
chose a qualitative methodology to encompass the Corporate entrepreneurship is seen as critical to
different findings on corporate entrepreneurship in family firm success and survival across generations
the family firm realm (Eisenhardt 1989). Using this (Kellermanns and Eddleston 2006; Rogoff and Heck
methodology, we strive to overcome problems asso- 2003; Salvato 2004). It refers to entrepreneurial
ciated with the use of single-respondent survey data activities within organizations that are designed to
in entrepreneurship research (Zahra et al. 1999) and revitalize the company’s business and to establish
to address the general lack of attention to the lagged sustainable competitive advantages (cp. Kellermanns
effect among theantecedents, performanceoutcomes, andEddleston2006;Kuratkoet al.2005;Zahra1995,
and different forms of corporate entrepreneurship 1996). However, literature is discordant about the
(Dess et al. 2003). firm-level entrepreneurial tendencies of family firms.
By investigating EO in the context of long-lived On one side, numerous researchers claim that family
family firms, we make several important contribu- firms constitute an environment that is conducive to
tions to the entrepreneurship and family business highlevelsofcorporateentrepreneurship(Aldrichand
literatures. We not only shed additional light on the Cliff 2003; McCann et al. 2001; Rogoff and Heck

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