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更新时间:2012-4-12:  来源:毕业论文

First of all, on behalf of the National Audit Office of China, I would like to welcome all participants to the seminar. It is a great pleasure for me to meet all of you at this gathering in Nanjing, known as a city served as the capital for six ancient dynasties. I understand that all of you are very much concerned about the development of IT audit and as a member of the INTOSAI IT Audit Committee, the CNAO, as always and to the best of its ability, wishes to share with other SAIs both theoretical and practical experiences in the field of IT audit and jointly with other SAIs to make new explorations into IT audit. IT audit has enjoyed a rapid progress in China in the recent years with remarkable achievements. I would now like to share with you some information about the development of IT audit in China.心理学在中小学体育教学中的运用

Since the 1990s, with the fast development of the information technology in China, application of computer technologies in all walks of life has been continuously expanded. Digitalization of information transmission, 本文来自优.文~论.文,网原文请找腾讯3249,114 globalization of information exchange and popularization of application of IT have brought unprecedented challenges to the audit profession which by and large relied on review of account books and relevant economic activities to complete its job. The CNAO based on serious analysis of the situation facing the government audit profession lost no time in pointing out that “auditors will lose their qualification if they cannot master information technology” and accelerated its IT application process starting from enhancing training of basic IT knowledge and operational skills. A Plan for IT Auditing Development was drawn and in 2002 phase I of the E-Audit Development Project, i.e. the “Golden Audit Project (GAP- I)” was approved by the government. GAP-I is one of China’s 12 important e-government systems comprising 6 major parts of networking, application, security, equipment, training and standardization. So far each of the 6 systems are going well in accordance with the plan with their respective results achieved.2400

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