Discuss disaster recovery business principles
Paper Keywords: disaster recovery communications operators IDC
Abstract: This paper describes the definition of disaster recovery operations, development and implementation of the background principle of the communication operators in the disaster recovery business and operational strategies advantages and disadvantages of a thorough analysis, concluded that the disaster recovery business market prospect is broad.
An operational definition of disaster recovery and business development background
1.1 definition of disaster recovery business is a business information system encountered a system backup and disaster recovery business, which is available in the event of a disaster information system to maximize the recovery of the original state to the user data is stored in data centers in different geographical regions , occur when one of the non-predictable disaster, can quickly restore the user's data and functionality to improve the user's system disaster recovery and security.
1.2 Background the disaster recovery industry originated in the 1970s, 1979, SunGard Philadelphia in the United States established the world's first disaster recovery center, was the focus for the IT industry, such as data backup and system backup, and later, IT backup development to disaster recovery planning (DRP stage, in the IT data backup by adding a disaster recovery plan, resource requirements, disaster recovery center management and other functional applications, and then later, it is the disaster recovery from an IT point of view to gradually shift the business point of view, with the business to measure of disaster recovery goals. In addition to IT service support, the disaster recovery has also joined the business impact analysis, strategic planning, business recovery plans, etc., has become a business continuity plan (BCP, 911 events in the United States, disaster recovery one step further , in addition to the existing business-oriented, also joined the emergency response, crisis public relations and crisis management, supply chain, function better. 本文来自优.文'论.文~网原文请找腾讯324,9114
Principles of disaster recovery operations to achieve 2
Business disaster recovery tape backup storage with common techniques, disk mirroring, RAID technology, HotSpare, hot standby, etc. and can be superimposed to achieve a variety of technical applications, to meet the various needs of multi-angle applications. The realization of principles of disaster recovery services :
2.1 Principle disaster recovery services to achieve the realization of the principle is very simple to use in different physical locations on the storage devices have network connectivity, local data in a remote platform for off-site backup or mirroring, if a local disaster, stored in different places Data on the platform will not be damaged, which can achieve data security recovery operation.
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