2.3 Toury原文请加优.文,论,文.网QQ324'9114
Toury is located within the field of descriptive translation studies and sees translation as an activity which “inevitably involves at least two languages and two cultural traditions, i.e., at least two sets of norm-systems on each level” . He expects norms to operate in all sorts of translations, and in each stage in the creation of a translation. Norms, he claims, are thus reflected on every level of the translation product. The initial norm, as explained by Toury, is constituted by the translator’s choice of either subjecting himself/herself to the original SL and its norms, or to the norms active in the TL, thus creating either an SL- or a TL-oriented text. In other words, the translator can aim for either domestication or foreignization in the translation. The difference between these two concepts is, according to Oittinen, that “while domestication assimilates text to target linguistic and cultural values, in foreignization some significant traces of the original text are retained” .
Toury’s norm system is also made up of preliminary norms and operational norms, where the latter direct the decisions made during the act of translation. Within preliminary norms, translation policy has to do with the factors that govern the choice of text types to be translated into a particular language and/or culture at a particular time.
In order to be able to carry out a satisfactory comparative analysis of an SL and a TL text, Toury suggests the study of “couple pairs of target and source text-segments, ‘replacing’ and ‘replaced’ items, respectively” . Coupled pairs can be used in translation studies to indicate strategies employed by the translator, and when put within a broader context, they further enable speculation on the considerations “which may have been involved in making the decisions along with the factors which may have constrained the act” . In choosing which segments to work with, the crucial requirement is, according to Toury, that these should be “relevant to the operation which would then be performed on them” .