2.4. Different Behavior Way
The behavior of the people is formed by special nature and social environment, so that the people’s words and deeds can reflect the special culture background he grown-up. For example, how to allocate time, the ways of talking with other and the clothes they wear, all of these can reflect different culture. The most important is that the above mentioned points will cause misunderstood easily. The behavior of people can be divided into verbal and non-verbal.
2.4.1. Verbal Communication毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.com/In the verbal communication, it can be divided into high context culture and low context culture. Low context culture mainly depends on the straightforward words to delivery the information, there are just bits of words need to fathom on the basis of the communicating environment. On the other hand, that means both sides have not share the same context culture, one side thinks that it’s the common sense to make a concrete explanation to another side. However, high context culture emphasizes the context culture when using the words, the meaning of the words often depends on the special environment. That is, people are more sensitive to the implicated meaning the words express. The language style of “high context culture” and “low context culture” can be divided into: 1>Direct vs. Indirect.2>Concise vs. Concrete.3> Environmental vs. Individual 4> Emotional vs. Tools. Chinese culture is “high context” culture as much information Chinese people expressing is concealed in the culture implication, there are little words to express their meaning clearly. Chinese would not like to express their emotion through the words directly. The western would like to deliver the meaning directly through the word and avoid causing misunderstanding. There is no doubt that it will cause conflict when Chinese indirect expression way encounter with western direct expression way for the different culture background, this will let both sides entrap in a embarrassing situation.
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An American manager of human resource in Philips Lightening Company talked with a Chinese employee with great potential. The American manager wanted to know the career development and the position the employee wants to get in the company. But the Chinese employee did not answer the question directly; instead he only talked about the company’s future direction, promotion system and his current position. He talked for a long time, but did not give a definite and direct answer. The manager was puzzled and annoyed, because the same situation has occurred several times .
The real thinking of the American at that time may be why the Chinese cannot get a precise orientation of his career development, and he may be not fit for the high position of management for the bad logistics and no future plan. The Chinese employee may think why the American is so aggressive. In this case, one side is American manager and the other side is Chinese employee. What made this bad result may be the different verbal communication way on the basis of different culture.
If the Chinese employee answered the American manager’s question directly: “I want to become a leader in sales department.” According to Chinese traditional verbal communication way, it is against the traditional habit of Chinese--------modest and indirect, and exposing his ambitions directly. If he can’t reach his goal, he thinks that it may become a joke to others.
However, the American manager is also right in accordance with American communication way. American thinks that showing your real expectation of the future in the career is right; it can reflect the man is confident and well-planned. The root of this conflict is that they did have knowledge of different culture.
2.4.2. Non-verbal Communication
Another important point to successful cross-cultural communication is non-verbal communication. The non-verbal communication means using the other ways which exclude the verbal to deliver information. It can be divided into two forms:
1. Delivery from the body, such as facial expression, body language.
2. Forming by the combination between people and environment, such as space distance and the conception of times.
There 85% of communication is non-verbal communication. Although the difference of verbal-communication is obvious, it is just the tip of the iceberg of the communication. In nonverbal communication, the typical difference is the attitude to time and space.毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.com/The conception of time can be divided into polychromic time and monochromic time. The view point of Polychromic time is that time is flexible; there is no need to deal with events in accordance with the agent and plan. The monochromic time emphasizes plan and arrangement; the typical things will be finished at a typical time. As Chinese pay more attention on overall and interpersonal relationship, they would allocate time with flexible ways and would not deal with things in line with the plan in daily life, they incline to deal with things in accordance with the current situation, so the Chinese culture belongs to polychromic. The American is on opposite pole, they incline to spend a lot of time on making plan, and they would like to deal with things on the basis of the plan which have been made before, in general, they would not revise their plan easily. They think the people who didn’t have a plan before doing things is inefficiency.
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