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外资企业的跨文化交际矛盾 第6页

更新时间:2011-11-22:  来源:毕业论文
for the company, about the upcoming product launch. His explanation about his position was unemotional. In that climate she then felt she could explain her position. She said that as an older, and to her mind, more experienced person, she should not introduce the new product with a younger employee who would do the presentation of the product she worked hard to develop. That would diminish her status, she felt. 
From the case, we can know that the root of this conflict is that the Chinese woman is Ascription-oriented person, she think that she is older and more experienced, so she should get more chance to express her self in the launch. If the new product developed by her will be present by a young male, she will feel shame and lose face as the young people’s age and experience are not richer than her.毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/
2.2. Different Mode of Thinking
Mode of thinking is thinking habits and thinking program which form by the development of the nation, it’s the core of national culture. In general, the characteristic of mode of thinking in Chinese and Western countries are different as the different geography, history background, philosophy and language. The characteristics of mode of thinking include 1>Synthesis, 2>Analysis, 3>Intuition, 4>Logic, 5>Induction, 6>Deduction, 7>Liner mode of thinking, 8>Curved mode of thinking.
Influenced by the synthesis and curved thinking mode, the speech habits of Chinese are from the whole to the part and from generality to specialty. They would like to avoid the real purpose of the conversation and beat about the bush. When they make a demand to others, they would not make it directly. They will talk the details in the most euphemistic and polite way until they reach an agreement with others, then they will express requirements.
However, westerners always feel confused about the Chinese euphemistic and roundabout expressing way because they are influenced by the liner thinking mode. No matter in writing or talking, the western would like to come straight to the point and express their purpose at the beginning. In this way, the listener will pay more attention to the conversation, and the reader will pay more attention to the composition. Even in the phone conversation between friends, the western people would like to express their purpose firstly, then talking about the reason or the process of the events.原文请+QQ3249.114优.文^论,文'网
In the conversation between westerners and Chinese, the Chinese would like to talk about many details which seem to have no relationship with the purpose of the conversation, and then the western will become impatient and interrupt the conversation, said: “Let me see if I understand your main point….”  Why will cause this embarrassing situation? Because of the different thinking mode, the Chinese people incline to get to the point of the conversation step by step because of the synthesis and curved thinking mode. However, the westerners would like to get the point directly as influenced by the liner thinking mode.
All in all, we should pay attention to the different thinking mode in cross-cultural communication so that we can avoid the conflict in communication.
2.3. Different Rule and Regulation
The rule and regulation is part of the enterprise culture, which form under the special economic environment and the operation of the company. The western would like to emphasize the importance of the law. The position of constitution is supreme, and the justice have the right to abolish the un-legislated institution, they think everyone have the responsibility to obey the law. However, Chinese traditional culture pay more attention to the interpersonal-relationship among each other, legal consciousness is week. Chinese people think law is ruthless and they would like to pursue psychological identity and peace. In the views of Chinese, they wouldn’t like to solve the problem through the law unless there is no choice. Moreover, the western thinks that the regulation is the product of rational thinking, and the result of the comprehensive analysis to the operation of the enterprise, and they think the regulation is objective and fair standard. So the western always deal with the problem on the basis of the regulation. Influencing by Confucians, the law and discipline is essence of the Chinese traditional culture. Chinese people always think that the regulation is something inflexibility. Therefore, they would like to emphasize the importance of interpersonal relationship. When Chinese people come across some difficulty in business or working, the first thing will be thought by them is how to deal with difficulty through the interpersonal relationship they established on the daily life. It’s easily causing conflict in the work as the different attitude to the regulation and law in foreign-funded enterprise, the foreigner will think that the Chinese employees are undisciplined. However, the Chinese employee will think that the foreigners are inflexible.

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