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外资进入中国带来的机遇与挑战 第4页

更新时间:2011-11-13:  来源:毕业论文
With all these preferential policies and facilitating conditions, foreign capital definitely chooses China to be their destination.
3.2 Influences on China’s economy
3.2.1 Accelerate the Initial Development of the Economy
Capital is the essential part of economy. Without capital, any ideas and plans can’t be taken into action; without capital, any hard work is in vain. Thus, capital is the first step to develop China’s economy.
In the last 30 years, the foreign exchange reserves increased from 1.6 billion US dollars in 1978 to 165.6 billion US dollars in 2000, ranking number 2 in the world. In 2006, the foreign exchange reserves of China reached 1.663 trillion US dollars; ranking number 1 in the world, and from 2000 to 2007, the total increase was about 1.3627 trillion US dollars with an average annual increase of 194.7 billion US dollars. 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/
The table above reveals that the foreign capital invested into China is increased year by year. In 2010, besides the financial industry, there were 27406 enterprises invested by foreign capital established in China, with an increase of 16.9%; the amount of disbursement of foreign capital reached 105.74 billion US dollars with a growth of 17.4%. This provided an unprecedented chance to use foreign capital develop China’s own economy.
China has now about half million of state-owned enterprises, many of which are in debt and need to be restructured. The private capital in China is not able to handle with the debt and restructuration alone. So, foreign capital becomes the light of hope to help state-owned enterprises pull through the crises. For example, a state-owned cement plant in Chongqing was on the edge of bankrupt with a deficit of 400 million RMB in 2003. But with the investment from Lafarge, a French corporation, this cement plant came back to life with a cash recovery of 48%.
For China, the domestic enterprises acquire the money they need to improve their product quality, promote their international status and make their best to contribute to China’s economy development. And there are about 230 thousands of enterprises invested by foreign capital in China,  taking up a rather large part of gross industrial output value, about 29%, added value, about 27%, total exports, about 54%, total commercial tax revenues, about 20.5%. Meanwhile, the foreign-invested enterprises provide about 23 million jobs, and the foreign-invested enterprises have become an inseparable part in China’s market. In 2000, the GDP of China is about 1 trillion US dollars, but in 2005, 4 years after China’s entry of WTO, China’s GDP is doubled to 2 trillion US dollars. For foreign investors, they are in the biggest market around the world, where they can get enormous profits. For instance, the sales volume of Das Auto in the globe decreased by 1.2% in 2003, but the sales volume of Das Auto in China increased by 32.9%. Thus, for both China and foreign investors, investing in China is a win-win situation.
3.2.2 Promote the Development of Advanced Technologies 原文请+QQ324'9114  优'文,论.文'网
Enterprises in west countries have a longer history than domestic enterprises, so they have more advanced technologies. Multinational corporations, the developer, controller, dominator and disseminator of the global advanced technologies, has monopolized 70% of the technologies and 80% of the researches of new technology. Undoubtedly, in an investment, capital will be brought in along with advance technologies. And this will definitely be a pusher for the domestic enterprises to learn from them and improve themselves.

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