毋庸置疑,国际资本肯定会流向高回报的市场,而当前,全世界都达成同一个共识,那就是中国是世界上最有潜力和吸引力的市场。从2002年开始,中国便成为了吸收外资能力最强的发展中国家。外资为中国最初的发展带来资金的同时,也带来了先进的技术和管理经验,促进贸易的发展与经济结构的调整,使得中国工业元素融入世界的各个角落。外资是把双刃剑,既给中国带来了机遇, 同时也带来了挑战。外资已渗透到中国经济的各个领域并已控制我们某些重要产业;过多热钱的流入使得中国有些企业和行业过度地依赖外资,甚至会威胁到中国的金融稳定。通过对中国利用外资的历史和现状,机遇和挑战进行分析,本文为中国如何利用外资提出了解决之道。
关键字:外资 机遇 挑战
摘 要 II
1 Introduction 1
2 A Brief History of Foreign Capital Investing in China 2
3 Opportunities 4毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/
3.1 The Top Destination for Foreign Capital 4
3.2 Influences on China’s economy 4
3.2.1 Accelerate the Initial Development of the Economy 4
3.2.2 Promote the Development of Advanced Technologies 6
3.2.3 Enrich Managerial Experience 6
3.2.4 Strengthen Foreign Trade 7
3.3 Push the Economic Restructuring 8
3.4 Improve China’s International Status 9
3.4.1 A Driving Force for China’s Overseas Investment 9
3.4.2 “Made in China” Brings China Reputation 10
4 Challenges 12
4.1 Challenges to Financial Sector 12
4.1.1 Challenges to Financial Stability 12
4.1.2 Challenges to Financial Regulation 13
4.1.3 Over-dependence on Foreign Capital 13
4.1.4 Monopolize Some Key Industries 14
4.1.5 Cause Bubbles and Inflation 15
4.2 Challenges to the Domestic Enterprises 16
4.3 Trade Conflicts Caused by the Irrational Export Structure 17
5 Suggestions on Utilization of Foreign Capital 19
5.1 China Should Keep Utilizing Foreign Capital 19
5.2 Improve the Management of Foreign Capital 19
5.3 Control the Hot Money 21
6 Conclusion 23
References 24
Acknowledgements 25
1 Introduction
Since China has become the most attractive market for the foreign capital, the FDI entering China is more than 90 billion US dollars per year. In 2000 the amount of FDI into China was only $40 billion; by 2010 the amount rose to 105.74 billion US dollars. In total, China has received approximately 1 trillion US dollars of FDI since 1978, about 20 times more than the FDI that entered Japan since the end of World War II in 1945. In comparison, the FDI was just 2 billion US dollars to 3 billion US dollars per year in India. 2128