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英汉商标名的文化内涵对比研究 第5页

更新时间:2011-11-5:  来源:毕业论文
Colors and Numbers in Use
Due to the folk study of five elements, there are five colors representing each element, including 黄(yellow), 红(red), 绿(green), 白(white) and 黑(black), so they usually appear in the brand names. Among them five, yellow and red are more frequently adopted, especially yellow’s variant, 金(golden). 红(Red) represents happiness, festive atmosphere and prosperousness, thus we have 女儿红(wine; CHINA) and 红双喜/Red Double Happiness (cigarette; CHINA). Besides, It is the color for communism, like 红旗(car manufacturer; CHINA) and 东方红(tractor manufacturer; CHINA). When it comes to 黄(yellow), it stands for wealth which is synonymous to gold. That was the reason why yellow is referred to golden and why the emperors in China adopted yellow as the royalty-exclusive color. 金利来/Goldlion ( tie; HK), meaning gold and fame shall come, and 金威/Kingway (beer; CHINA) are very appealing.
Numbers in Chinese carry meanings beyond their numerical one. Take 二(Two) for instance, it only express the numerical concept, while its synonym, 双(Double) is related to things wonderful as well as auspicious. Therefore, the latter one is often in use instead. E.g.: 双鱼/Double Fish (athletic equipment; CHINA). 九(Nine) means eternity and holiness, embodying the privilege bestowed upon emperors, and it sounds the same as everlasting in Chinese. Such a lucky number undoubtedly is the choice for brand names in China. One of them is 999(medicine; CHINA). Other like 百(Hundred), 千(Thousand), 万(Ten thousands) all for endlessness, are applied to brand names, because Chinese businessmen long to be rolling in money, such as 万事达/MasterCard (credit card), meaning everything can be done at will, and 百事可乐/Pepsi Cola (USA), meaning everything is going so well.
2.3.6 Time-honored Brand Names毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/
Speaking of the brand names with the most profound connotations, the Chinese time-honored ones must be the vivid examples. The accumulation of culture can be a feature of them. Just take a glimpse of the shop names in Peking, like 全聚德、东来顺、玉华台、都一处, etc, all smell of poetry and literature. In China, the catering industry prefer to adopt names with the suffixes like 楼、居、坊、德、顺、台、处、轩 and so on, e.g.: 同仁堂; the textile industry, with“祥”, meaning auspiciousness. Also there are still loads of connotative and impressive names, all highlight prosperousness and goodness.原文请+QQ3249.114 优'文^论;文'网
3  The Similarities and Differences of Cultural Connotation of English and Chinese Brand Names  
Through the analysis of both English and Chinese brand names, features of respective one thus are outlined because of different cultures. This part will cover the contrastive analysis of them.

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