2 An Analysis of Cultural Connotation of Brand Names
Culture serves as the medium for brand names, and spreads itself through them. It penetrates in every layer of the society, thus brand names take its effects. As we explore further, traces of culture can be found in brand names which demonstrate the extending history and expansive culture of a nation. Generally speaking, culture is what people think, what they do, and the material products they produce. Thus, mental processes, beliefs, knowledge, and values are parts of culture, and language undoubtedly is a branch of it. When it comes to brand names, which are relevant to language, they have lots of connotations. For example, an English automobile brand called Zephyr, i.e., West Wind, would sound unacceptable in China for it represents coldness. But it actually means something good due to where Britain locates.
Considered from the perspective of culturology, brand names are rich in connotations and cover many aspects, which can be roughly divided into three parts: material, hierarchical and psychological. Brand names, in a broad view, should take many things such as taboos and norms into consideration, and adjust to how the targeted groups in different cultures think and feel. 原文请+QQ32.49114 优'文^论;文'网
The compositions of English and Chinese brand names avail themselves of their cultural source materials, as what have been pointed out above. In order to well explore the essence, several aspects are listed as below:
2.1. The Cultural Source of English and Chinese civilizations
Along with the development of history of world civilizations, there are five major cultural circles, including Greek-Roman, hebraistic-Christian, Han-Confucian, Indian-Buddhist, Islamic-Arabic ones. Western culture takes its root in Greek-Roman civilization, while Chinese culture originated from Confucianism and Taoism through thousands of years. Chinese culture puts more emphasis on collectivism. However, heroic stories can be found in Greek and Christian cultures, in this way we can tell westerners are keen on individualism. Under such influences, English and Chinese brand names are distinctly different.
2.2 The Cultural Outlook of English Brand Names
The compositions of English brand names avail themselves of their cultural source materials, as what have been pointed out above. In order to well explore the essence, several aspects are listed as below:
2.2.1 Names from Myths毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.com/ Names form characters of myths always are dominant, giving us the impression of superiority and extraordinary power. Say, NIKE (a sport brand; USA). Never will we look into this field without taking the case of NIKE for example. The company takes its name from the Greek goddess of victory, NIKE. A mystical presence, symbolizing victorious encounters, NIKE presided over former battlefields of history. A Greek would say, Jordan shoes wholesale, "When they go in to battle and win, they say it is NIKE." Synonymous with honored conquest, NIKE is the twentieth century footwear that lifts the best athletes in the world to new levels of mastery and achievement. The NIKE Swoosh 'embodies the spirit of the winged goddess who inspired the most brave & chivalrous warriors at the dawn of civilization. Mars Bar(chocolate; USA) came from the name of Mars, god of war in Roman myths. “March” and “Tuesday” all derived from him. “Mars” embodies strength, power, and those are what this chocolate wants to offer to consumers. Olympus (optical instruments; JAPAN) was derived from the name of a Greek mountain, where the Greek gods dwelled. Right in Japan, there is also a place for Japanese god’s habitation, and its name sounds like Olympus. This brand name conveys a desire that the products could be like the flame shining from that Holy Land, which can make the people think of the god of light from Olympus as well.
2.2.2 Names from Individuals and Places
Most world top reputed English brand names come from family names. Those brands from family names have the implications of the history, quality and reputations of the products, which will help the sale of them. Hennesy(wine; FRANCE) was named after its father, Richard Hennessy. As its ad says, “Not all wines are named after their founders.” This can well boast its high quality without screaming how great it can be.
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