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COPERT Ⅲ公路运输的排放量英文文献秋翻译

更新时间:2011-10-16:  来源:毕业论文
Vehicle category split
The vehicle category split required for reporting in CORINAIR, presented inTable2.1(EMEP/CORINAIR, 1999)is not sufficient for calculating road transport emissions. This is the outcome of the deficiency in reflecting the year of vehicle production and, subsequently, the engine and aftertreatment technology which is implemented for achieving the emission standards. Thus, for the purpose of COPERT, a more detailed vehicle category split has been developed, presented in Table 2.2. In order to help identifying the vehicle categories, Table 2.3 gives the classification of vehicles according to the UN-ECE. The main COPERT categories can be allocated to the UN-ECE classification as follows:
•Passenger Cars M1
•Light Duty Vehicles N1
•Heavy Duty Vehicles N2, N3
•Urban Buses & Coaches M2, M3
•Two Wheelers L1, L2, L3, L4, L5
In order to provide assistance in distributing national fleets to different levels of emission legislation, a description of each class is given in the following sections.
2.1. Legislation classes of gasoline passenger cars <2,5 tonnes
The production year of vehicles in this category has been taken into account by introducing different classes, which reflect legislative steps (ECE, Euro) or technology steps (‘Improved Conventional’, ‘Open Loop’). From 1970 and until 1985 all EC member states followed the UN ECE R15(United Nations Economic Committee for Europe Regulation 15) amendments as regards the emissions of pollutants from vehicles less than 3,5 tonnes. According to the relevant EC Directives, the implementation dates of these regulations were as follows:
•pre ECE vehicles up to 1971
•ECE 15 00 & 01 1972 to 1977
•ECE 15 02 1978 to 1980
•ECE 15 03 1981 to 1985
•ECE 15 04 1985 to 1992
However, the above implementation dates are ‘average’ for the EU 15 member states. They are different from one member state to another as the directives had to be ratified by the national parliaments. Even more important these regulations were applicable on the vehicles – either produced in the member state or
imported from elsewhere in the world – registered in the member state. By default, vehicles classified in ECE categories are considered to operate on leaded gasoline.After 1985 new technologies appeared, imposed by the EC legislation and national schemes applying to vehicles <2,5 t. Those technologies are described in the following paragraphs.

2.2. Legislation classes of diesel passenger cars <2,5 tonnes毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/
The ‘Conventional’ vehicle class applies to diesel passenger cars of all capacities and includes vehicles prior to the introduction of the ‘Consolidated Emissions Directive’ 91/441/EEC. Therefore, cases included are non regulated vehicles launched prior to 1985 and vehicles complying with directive ECE 15/04 (up to 1992). In principle diesel vehicles of this class are equipped with indirect injection engines with no exhaust aftertreatment.
Improved diesel technologies include vehicles complying with directives 91/441/EEC (Euro I, 1992-1996), 94/12/EC (Euro II, valid from 1996 for indirect injection and 1997 for direct injection up to 2000) and the new regulations 98/69/EC Stage 2000 (Euro III) and 98/69/EC Stage 2005 (Euro IV).Euro I were the first vehicles to be consecutively regulated for CO, HC+ NOX and PM emissions. Few of those vehicles were equipped with oxidation catalysts.Directive 94/12/EC brought reductions over the former Directive of 68 % for CO, 38 % for HC+ NOX and 55 % for PM and oxidation catalysts were used in almost all vehicles. Additional reductions are brought for Euro III and Euro IV vehicles.原文请+QQ3249'114 优,文^论.文'网

2.3. Legislation classes of LPG passenger cars <2,5 tonnes
Legislation classes provided for LPG passenger cars, as in the case of diesel passenger ones, include a ‘Conventional’ class where vehicles up to 91/441/EEC are grouped together. After this, legislation classes are introduced according to the Directives as adopted in the case of gasoline and diesel passenger cars.

2.4. Legislation classes of 2 stroke passenger cars <2,5 tonnes
This type of vehicles is relevant mainly for some Eastern European countries (and to some extent for Germany). A very limited fleet of such vehicles is still in circulation and no particular emission standards are applicable. Therefore all such vehicles are grouped in a common ‘Conventional’ class.

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