The next CRITICAL PATH is returning the valve(s) back to its safe position. This should be done as soon as possible. Some facilities that have extremely hazardous processes will have a policy that no car sealed valve can be deviated longer than a single shift. Putting the valve back into its safe position will entail a new tag and a new seal, as well as another entry into the log book and communication to the workers on shift about the new status of the valve.
The final step may be the most critical of all. The program needs to be audited to ensure its integrity. This auditing begins as part of a Pre-Start Up Safety Review to act as another layer of assurance that the valves have been placed back into their SAFE position before the process is started up. At some point, the facility will need to do a full audit of the program and this will include a physical inspection of each valve to ensure it is in it's proper position, tag is in place, and seal integrity intact.
In summary, there are many different variations of Car Seal programs, some very basic and some very advanced, but they all serve a critical role in chemical process safety. The first place to consider using a car seal program would be on ALL valves that are between a pressure vessel and it's relief protection. If your facility falls under OSHA's PSM standard and EPA's RMP rule, you could be cited for not having some form of a car-seal program. OSHA has recently included car-seal programs in their PSM audits. It made its first official appearance in the Refinery PSM Compliance Directive and it is making its way into the PSM Covered Chemical Facilities CPL as well
我们看不到这些类型的故障,很多时候,但是当我们做到这一点几乎总是可以追溯到人为错误。早在2008年,管壳式换热器灾难性的失败时,工人不小心关闭了两个不同的容器安全阀及阀门在两个不同时期之间。6月10日,固特异运营商关闭一器壳隔离阀之间的热(氨冷端)和一个泄压阀,以取代超压保护磁盘的突发破裂阀下提供的救济。 文修人员更换破裂的那一天磁盘上,但是,封闭的隔离阀没有重新开放。在11日上午,运营封闭隔离阀块换热器的氨压力控制阀从。操作员再连接一蒸汽管的生产线来清洁管道。蒸汽流经热交换器管,加热换热器壳液氨中,并增加了壳的压力研究。封闭的隔离和截止阀和安全阀防止氨盘压力增大,从安全的发泄或者通过氨压力控制阀或破裂。该壳式换热器中的压力继续攀升,直到它猛烈破裂约上午7:30。
汽车密封程序会去一个很长的路要走这一事件预防。一辆汽车密封方案是一个简单的阀门管理程序,包括:一阀门列表安全关键,他们的安全位置(可以是打开或关闭),位置描述他们,和一些密封式的,这将防止阀门偏离了安全位置。这可以是一个密封塑料束带,链,或某些类型的金属带。有些设施甚至用颜色编码的密封件(如绿色和红色的开阀是关闭)。 该方案还应该包括你的P &IDs;他们应该进行更新,以反映其在此阀方案。大多数宝洁ID将使用汽车密封封闭密封开放和CSC轿车的指定民间组织为显示该方案的阀门研究。现在到了棘手的部分.!此计划只因为它好工人谁使用和依赖。一些设施建设管理的变更手续,汽车的密封差的程序进入,这意味着任何时候一个阀门在程序想无论是背离的安全位置,商务部将完成,这建设部将始终需要一个Pre -起动安全审查。
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