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更新时间:2011-8-3:  来源:毕业论文
Governors State University, in keeping with its efforts to establish an environment in which the dignity and worth of all members of the university is enhanced, is committed to the effective and efficient pursuit of quality service through staff development and evaluation.
The university needs employees who will aim to:
1. Provide 本文来自优.文;论^文'网 a high quality teaching and learning environment which is safe, comfortable, and fit for its purpose.
2. Provide a high quality education through programs that enable employees and students to
acquire knowledge, experience, and understanding, and which gives access to further higher education, training, personal development, and growth.
3. Provide exemplary service to students, the community, and to each department.
To this end, the university requires team work of its staff. The individuals who work at Governors State University are essential to the success of this mission, and the institution depends on all of us to achieve its expectations. Thus, the university has established a formal evaluation system as a yardstick in determining the quantity, quality, and manner of performance necessary to obtain its goals.
The purpose of the formal performance evaluation is to:
 Ensure communication between the supervisor and employee.
 Review an毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com d determine how well an employee is performing in terms of the assigned tasks. Every job should be analyzed based on what criteria is important for the job.
 Bring out strengths and weaknesses of the employee in behavioral terms and clearly designate areas where improvement is required. The major purpose for evaluating the employee's basic strengths and shortcomings is to facilitate the individual's development.
Each supervisor should complete in writing a performance evaluation form for permanent and probationary staff and temporary lecturers for the period of July 1 through June 30. Probationary employees must be evaluated every three months during the probationary period, annual thereafter; status employees must be evaluated annually. The completed annual performance evaluation form is due in Human Resources July 15.
Formerly, evaluations were conducted on an annual calendar year basis. Beginning in 1998, the evaluation process is being changed to coincide with the university's fiscal year of July 1 through June 30. To bridge the two evaluation time periods, the upcoming evaluation period will cover January 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998.
Overview: Each supervisor should strive to evaluate his/her staff promptly and ensure that the employees are aware of how their performance is regarded, with a view toward improvement. Performance evaluations and salary reviews are not identical. The performance evaluation is precisely that; it is a management tool to assess the employee's fit for the job. Behavioral traits are just as important to the success of the job as technical skills. The supervisor should consider such areas as the employee's approach to problem solving and decision making, the employee's emotional maturity, attitudes and motivation, interpersonal skills, adaptability to the job and the employee's environment, creativity, initiative, dependability, and reliability.
Phase 1. The Initial Meeting for Upcoming Year
For new hires, the initial meeting should be conducted within two weeks of the employee's appointment, and for status employees, the ini毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com tial meeting should be conducted within 30 days of July 1 (giving the supervisor a 60-day window for this process). It may be more convenient to include this portion of the process at the end of the evaluation interview that covers the previous year's performance.
At this meeting the supervisor should define standards of performance for the upcoming year, discuss future changes that are expected in the job description, and discuss goals and objectives.
Job Descripti本文来自优.文;论^文·网 ons, Responsibilities, and Goals and Objectives
Getting off on the right track is the key to the success of this process. Employees are more inclined to participate in team efforts if they are made to feel that their efforts are appreciated and understand why their duties are important to the overall success of the department and the university.
Both the supervisor and the employee should have input in preparing and clarifying responsibilities on the job description. Supervisors who give employees the option of developing or reviewing the specifications enhance communication.

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