(2) 影响硬质合金刀具的刀刃磨损的因数是修补材料,刀具材料和刀具几何学参数。
(3) 修边机制方法和调整刀具几何参数 ( 减少负倒角 bal的边缘角 Kr 和宽度, 增加刀具墙角半径半径ε) 能被选择有效地减少边界凹槽, 这确保刀具的工作件和切削性能的质量。
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WANG Guicheng, PEI Hongjie, LI Qinfeng , ZHANG Chun
Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 212013 China
Abstract The performance of cemented carbide cutting tools directly influence machining quality of the machined workpiece .In this paper, the forming mechanism of boundary notch of cemented carbide cutting tool is studied, related theories analyzed, a definition of the boundary notch size presented, and main factors to influence boundary notch of tool pointed out. Besides forming process and change lay of the boundary notch of tool are found out, and a certain number of measures to decrease and control the boundary notch of tool have been advanced.
Key words boundary notch; cemented carbide cutting tool; cutting burr; corner radius; tool cutting edge angle
The wear and boundary notch of cemented carbide cutting tools are often found in the machining. They directly influence machining quality of the machined workpiece and the cutting performance and life of the cutter. Especially, in the precision machining, flexible manufacturing system (FMS) and other automation manufacture, wear and boundary notch behaviors of cemented carbide tools are even more important. Metal cutting experiences have expounded that wear and boundary notch of the cemented carbide cutting tools are more serious in the machining of the workpiece in which the strain hardening is high and the remaining is not even. It seriously influences the machining quality of the machined piece and the cutting performance and life of the cutter. But, so far, there has not been much research on the boundary notch mechanism of cemented carbide cutting cutter, and the technical measures to reduce boundary notch of cemented carbide cutting tools are fewer[1,2]. So that, the based on the machining experiments of friction welded joint, this research focuses on the forming processes and main rules of the boundary notch, and has developed several measures to resist or lessen boundary notch, which provides a theoretical and experimental base to ensure cutting performances of cutters and machining quality.
The boundary notch of cemented carbide cutting tools is a wear area, which is relatively large, resulting from friction between main cutting edge and the surface of the workpiece as the following Fig.1. Fig.1 (a) shows a traditional wearing type of the flank. The rake face Ar and flank face Aa are also shown. Fig.1 (b) shows the main dimension of boundary notch of the lathe tool, in which VN represented the height of boundary notch and C refers to the width. It is apparent that the greater the dimensions of VN and C are, the greater it destroys the performance of tools and influences the machining quality[3,4].
By experiment, the forming process of the boundary notch can be divided into the following three steps: firstly, several micro cracks are produced at main cutting edge. Secondly, the mesh fractures are found in the boundary areas and they will s原文请找腾讯32,49114pread. Finally, the piece material will be denuded and the boundary notch is formed. In the subsequent cutting process, the dimension of the boundary becomes bigger and bigger.
Fig. 2 shows the forming process of boundary notch of the cemented carbide cutting tools.
Main factors to influence boun毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.com dary notch are mechanical performance of the piece material, the cutter material, and geometry parameter of the cutter. The following experiments were carried out in order to expound the forming mechanism and evolution rules of the boundary notch..
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